21 Days of Forgiveness: Ho´opono and the Law of Attachment and Detachment

21 Days of Forgiveness: Ho’oponopono and the Law of Attachment and DetachmentVoice of Freedom.ca Simple Steps to Healing: Ho’oponopono I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You by Dr. Joe Vitale, Want to Know.info, n.d. https://www.wanttoknow.info/070701imsorryiloveyoujoevitale Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients – without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist […] click on picture for original

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Peacemakers Around the World: 38 Minutes for Peace – A Week After – Jan.20th 8.00 AM HST

Peacemakers Around the World: 38 Minutes for Peace – A Week After – Jan. 20th 8:00 AM HSTThank you, NajdaMaria, for your email and invitation to meditate for peace.  Dear GAOG, I am on the big island of Hawaii. I have written an invitation to participate in a Peace Alert next Saturday, Jan. 20th. Regardless of who had intentions to send a bomb, it is a massive wake-up call for Peace. I […] click on picture for original

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Revision 15 of Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship Now Available



Revision 15 of Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship Now AvailableAlways optimistic, I’ve revised and expanded the e-book, Financial Wayshowing and Stewardship, to assist lightworkers, after the Reval, to get themselves oriented philosophically. You won’t find tips on money management or explanations of how the economy works in there. I’m setting out on that journey myself, just as you are. What I’ve tried to do […]click on picture for original

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The Arcturians: Return to What You Truly Are via Ute Posegga-Rudel


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MESSAGES FROM THE REALMS OF LIGHT <nhttps://illuminations2012.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/cb846-no2bmistake3sig.jpgoreply+feedproxy@google.com> Unsubscribe

12:53 PM (20 hours ago)

Attachments areaPreview YouTube video THE ARCTURIANS: RETURN TO WHAT YOU TRULY ARE

to me



Posted: 23 Nov 2017 12:45 PM PST

Video (Recommended)

Dear friends,

very slowly I am getting back to normal, – at least “normal” seems to appear on the horizon now in some ways – after many unexpected incidents, that came and still come along with the move to the new place. It requires adaptation on many levels to an entirely new life, which does not mean it is “heaven”, because heaven does not exist in a place of duality like this. But it is beautiful.

The following message is from a “conversation” with my Arcturian friends,  the first since I am here, finding some quiet in the midst of a very busy time. The first part was personal.

As my internet connection is still extremely slow (this will change hopefully soon!) I might have problems with uploading the video.

I hope you enjoy!

Much love,



Regarding the destiny of humanity as a whole, the majority will be tested profoundly as to whether they are able and willing to grow their consciousness and remember their Divinity. Each one will be given exactly the testing they need to enable them to step forward if this is possible for them in any way. So in that sense all is perfect, even if this might not always be obvious as most people don’t welcome  difficulties as an opportunity to grow.

Growth is the sole responsibility of each individual. We, as mentors of humanity, can only provide spiritual inspiration and the space of conscious light. Then it is the choice of everyone to use that, to enter this space and learn to love and ultimately to Be Love.

There are no mistakes in the universe, only consequences of actions performed by individual will. Also to give up one’s own will and surrender it to other forces is being done as an act of will. But there are always given new opportunities to learn from  experience and each time new choices are possible.

Many of you incarnated on planet earth to help raise consciousness of humanity. It seems you have not been very successful yet. But this will change.

Inertia is the greatest enemy of humanity because it is easier to step down rather to make an effort to step up. To transcend the darkness of inertia and to enter the higher frequencies of light requires conscious effort and the higher will to make that choice.

You will make that choice if you are sick and tired of suffering! And when you realize that there is literally no-thing that can make you truly happy – in spite of all the glittering seductions of a subhuman life – you will have sharpened your higher will and strength to change your life profoundly, to return to what you Truly Are and always have been, even while you slumbered in a dark dream.

Who has decided to walk the path of Divine Light and Love, the path of Happiness, must know that they will encounter many challenges until they are able to maintain a higher light frequency to enter more and more into the Divine Consciousness of undying Joy and Bliss. This is the path of Universal Love, because Love Is Surrender to the Infinite Divine.

We stand by the side of humanity, providing help and support to those who rise their head and are willing to open their heart to show them the path of True Light.

On this path it is important to stand up each time you fall back. Otherwise inertia pulls you down to a point from where it becomes more difficult to find the light again. So if you want your path to be as “easy” as possible, do not allow yourself resting in darkness of thought and emotion. Rather stand up always immediately to gain momentum in higher frequency back into the Light of your Native Divine Freedom.

We are here to give you this vision of freedom, of light and of love.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

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El Morya: Transforming Aggression into Self-Awareness


Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Zi

How does that aggression, that rage, that anger, that belief that one is entitled to aggrieve another, how does that shift to self-awareness, both in the individual and falling out of that to the collective? …

Beloveds, if you have genuinely fully erased, eradicated these traits, this aggression, then what I am asking of you is monumental, so I do not say this in a casual way: “I am asking you to send the love, to embrace, to heal that aggression in the collective.”

Heavenly Blessings ~ November 9, 2017

Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love

Suzanne Maresca: Host, InLight Universal


[Meditation from 8:00 to 15:20]


El Morya: Greetings, I am El Morya.

Suzi: Welcome.

El Morya: And welcome to each of you, my brothers, my sisters, my allies, my students. And yes, I come as teacher, as initiator, as guardian, as activator because you are the Agents of Change.

And the changing of the energy, the atmosphere, the behaviour, the level of awareness – yes, both within you but upon this planet – is very critical at this time, for you are at that tipping point and, might I say, you are actively in the tipping point. So it is not that you are approaching it. It is not that you are on the very edge of it. You are in the middle of it and, of course, that is also why you are experiencing externally such chaos.

Now it is important, my beloved friends, not to internalise, not to materialise in yourself or in your life or in your environment any of this certainly misplaced, chaotic behaviour. And that is why I have asked to come and speak with thee this day. I am not asking you, or even in the slightest way – nor is St. Germaine or Kuthumi – suggesting that you retreat with us to the mountains of Tibet. Your place is exactly where you are!

But that does not mean that we have retreated to Tibet, or that we are in isolation from your experience. In every sense of the word, I operate with each and every one of you – and I operate on behalf, yes, of the Great White Brotherhood, of the Council of Love – to assist in this shifting of human expression and behaviour, and to bring greater awareness not only to your understanding but to your embodiment of your spiritual awakening.

Now you will note… Let me preface what I say. This is the time of the unfoldment and activation – full activation – of our beloved Divine Mother’s Plan. And in form, energetically and literally, it has also been the time of the anchoring and the blossoming of the Divine Feminine energy, embodied and resurrected upon this beautiful planet of GQi’anna.

And the element of the Divine Feminine has been repressed and suppressed for a very, very long time, and you are experiencing this in your own being, in your own heart, in your own lives. And, by the way, you are doing a spectacular job incorporating all the blues! And this has been evidenced also by your acceptance and your embrace of all the waves of our Mother’s Tsunami of Love.

So this is well underway. And in your being, you are feeling the love and the nurturing and the creative juices of how this feels, looks, and experiences within your sacred self and in your daily actions, your moment to moment existence upon this planet. And that is not only desirable and good but necessary for the rebalancing.

But I also want to speak to you about the Divine Masculine as well because there is this belief system, can I say, that is born of incomplete and misunderstood energy of Divine Masculine because what you have experienced heretofore upon the planet, with all this aggression, is not the Divine Father masculine/brother/grandfather energy. It is an aberration that has been constructed of ego and false grids and false paradigms which we have talked at great length to you about.

But it would be completely false and incorrect to say that what has existed for thousands and thousands of years upon this planet is a reflection of the Divine Masculine. It is not. The true energy of the Divine Masculine, of the wisdom and the action and the ability to insert creative inspiration and thought, has been very absent.

Yes, like our beloved Suzanne has said, the flashes of inspiration and knowing from the Mother/Father/One and your sacred self – this Divine Trinity of you/Mother/Father – has certainly occurred. But the constructs, the formulation, the structure of your society’s religions/politics/institutions has not been reflective of that infinite balance, that ebb and flow, that infinite infinity sign of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. It is not there.

And additionally, because of this aggression that has reached new heights all over the planet, there is a great tendency to shy away not only from what you know is the aberrant behaviours, belief systems of the masculine, but from your Divine Masculine.

Now has this – and is this because it is fluid at the moment, but I don’t want you to miss a key ingredient for baking your sacred self! – has there been greater attention to the full anchoring of the Divine Feminine within thee? Yes. And that has been a very important part of this process – but so is the anchoring of the balanced, measured Divine Masculine.

When you declare your Divine Authority, or your alignment with the heart and mind and will of One, it is the balance and the full integration – not separation – but the fluidity, the ebb and flow, as not only necessary but as desirable in every particle of your being. Whether it is a cell or a dance or an action or a building of a City of Light, this balance is necessary.

Now, my specialty, [chuckles] if you would call it that on your planet – which I love! – is to assist beings to move from aggression, from truly a denial of their genuine self, into the fullness of awareness of ‘who you really are’. And in that is the acceptance – the next step is the acceptance of your spiritual, full-body, in-form spiritual awakening. And you are in that process right now. It is not some distant goal mark. It is what you are doing right now.

How – and this is why I address you as well – how does that aggression, that rage, that anger, that belief that one is entitled to aggrieve another, how does that shift to self-awareness, both in the individual and falling out of that to the collective?

Many of you, yes, you have most certainly done your work – and I’m not trying in any way to diminish what you have done – but that process of moving from what we call “aggression” to self-awareness is the love and embrace and the making of peace with that energy. Attempting to ignore it, to succumb it, to suppress or repress it, will never work.

And you say to me, “But Lord, I have worked with my anger and my fear and I have let that go.” Well, beloved ones, I would suggest for many of you that is not quite true, that there has certainly been a repression because it is so ugly – it is so not who you are – that you have said, “No. I will not look at this. I will certainly go over to the light side. I will go over to the Divine Mother’s side and I will ignore that historical, well-entrenched aggression and I will ignore that part of me.”

So, for some of you, for many of you and for most of the human race, there is still that need to embrace – not to activate; that is not what I am suggesting; you don’t want to bring it into full force – but there needs to be an acknowledgement and embrace and, yes, that infamous word “healing” of these old traits of humanity.

And, beloveds, if you have genuinely fully erased, eradicated these traits, this aggression, then what I am asking of you is monumental, so I do not say this in a casual way: “I am asking you to send the love, to embrace, to heal that aggression in the collective.”

And you say, “Lord, I do not even want to look at it. This is something that I don’t want to do. I do not want to bring my attention to this terrible situation.” But when you love it, what you do is you sap it. It is like pinpricking a balloon or poking a hole in a plastic container of water, a jug of water. It simply trickles out and is returned either to Gaia – and she is a master transmuter as you know – or to the air, or to the light, or to the Mother, or to me.

Part of your self-awareness, part of your journey as master transmuters/transformers – beings of such might and power in the balance of the Masculine/Feminine Divine – is that you are capable of doing this.

Those who are in the throes of that negative aggression, that is where they are. They may have moments of insight, of sadness, of feeling that they wish to make retribution, but by and large they are in the throes of their illusion. So, it is not sufficient to simply say that we will simply let them be part of the separation. When we speak to you about inviting and asking humanity to join you on the loveholders/lovebeamers/lightholders’ pathway, you are being inclusive.

Now you are not saying, “Oh, and by the way, come over to this side and walk with us, walk with Yeshua, walk with all of us and bring your aggression, bring your disdain, bring your ugly, false illusions with you, this pack of lies that you’ve been telling for thousands of years.” That’s not what you’re saying.

You are saying, “Set down that burden. It is only weighing you down and putting blinkers and blinders over your heart and your eyes. Come over here with us.” And they are saying back to you, and so I speak on behalf of the aggressors, they are saying to you, “I would love to. I am so tired. I am so frustrated. I am haunted in the darkness of the night and I don’t know how to break free. How do I do it?”

And so you are showing them that it is done by the love of the Mother that you carry, and the will of the Father that you carry, and the love of the Father that you carry, and the will of the Mother to birth this new planet. It has been called the ‘dream of the Mother’ but it is truly the conjoined, not just dream, but actual fulfilment of the Mother/Father/You.

You say, “I do not know if I have the strength or the will to venture there,” and I am suggesting that you do.

Now I know that this is strong words. So where do you wish to begin, dear Suzi?

Suzi: Okay, so there’s lots of things that I would like to ask about. One, really quickly: Gaianna? Would you please discuss the name for Gaia that we’re unfamiliar with?

El Morya: It is simply her archangelic name: GQi’anna. But just as you have a human name, she has many names! Many of you have simply called her Earth – Mother Earth. Is that not beautiful? And Gaia and Gia and GQi’anna – she will answer no matter what you call her!

Suzi: Yes, that’s beautiful. So those in aggression are in the throes of their illusion and we’re at the time of the fulfilment of the Mother’s Plan. So, clearly we’re not going to be waiting lots more years for people to be snapping out of it, shaking it off, whatever. Is there anything that you can speak to about how this looks, or do we just have to wait and see – because it is a very big mystery how that’s going to happen?

El Morya: How it is happening is the awakening of purpose. It is not just a matter of shaking off what we are terming “aggression” for purposes of this discussion because that is abuse, that is control, it is pride, it is lust, it is many things. So we put it in one basket, do we not.

But you see, it is not just a matter of shaking that off because what would happen as people would shake it off, as you have put it – and there has to be a willingness to shake it off, and I will return to that point – but if they were to shake it off and there is nothing to replace it, then what they do, and what you have seen repeatedly in this and many lifetimes, is they revert to what they know, they revert to what is familiar, they revert to what they think has been working.

So before they are shaking it off, or as they are shaking it off, what you are also doing is filling them and replacing them with that self-awareness, that awakening energy, so that there is something to replace what we have termed the “aggression basket”.

Now before that, before the shaking off occurs, what there is – and I am happy to say it is mostly in place – is the will, individually and collectively. And that is also why I am emphasising how it is so important to also, very up close and personal, to embrace your masculine self, your Divine Masculine self, because that is truly an energy of will – that strong assumption of Divine Authority that needs to be present.

So right now, what you are seeing is a growth of will individually and collectively. And sometimes individually – and collectively, but let us look at the individual – you say, “I can’t wait. I am impatient to see how this is shaking out,” which is a good thing because it is an activation of will and, of course, will will translate into productive, loving action.

Where the collective is at – and they are not stuck in the cement as they were years ago, let me be clear about that – but where they are at is there is a wakening of the will, but not the full awakening of: “I want to translate this from ‘things have to change’ to ‘this is the change I want.’” Do you understand how I am making the separation?

Suzi: Well, it’s a creation process, right?

El Morya: Yes, it is. But you are helping that awakening collective to move from “I know I want change” to “this is the change I want”.

Suzi: Right, so you have something to replace the old with.

El Morya: Exactly. We are not talking years.

Suzi: Well, thank God!

El Morya: The time is now! But it includes the full activation into action of this lightworker community. And when I term this – as you know, I have travelled in the West, I have travelled in the East – it is a coming together of awareness not defined by religion or secular pathways but by the energy of love.

Suzi: So you’re saying collective will is ready?

El Morya: Yes.

Suzi: That is fabulous. Clearly there are some that are not on board, and we just are going to be in trust mode and know that the Mother has it all under control.

El Morya: Most of them are in this back-and-forth mode, and what is happening with the tipping point is that they are losing. Think of it as coming sliding downhill or sliding down a seesaw. When it is balanced and they can jiggle up and down, they can go: “I want change. I’m sticking with what I’ve got. I want change. I’m sticking with what I’ve got. I’m sticking with the aggression because that’s the game of Earth.” And they truly believe that.

Now what is happening is the seesaw is turning into a slide, so they are sliding down and they are having greater and greater difficulty trying to get back to that place of: “I want to keep the status quo because that is what is familiar.” But they don’t know, so they’re saying, “We do need change. I think I want change. I’m not sure but I think change is the way to go.” But they’re not clear on what that change is.

So you are at the other end of the seesaw, catching them and showing them and beaming to them the whole time, demonstrating what the change is and what it looks like. And at the same time, you are saying, “And if there is any remnant of that anger/fear/abuse/control within me, let it be gone as well. Let it slide down my personal slide!”

Suzi: Right, right, right. So lightworkers, step it up! That the deal, right? [Laughing]

El Morya: That’s the deal!

Suzi: You spoke about ‘next is the acceptance of your spiritual body in full form’. Would you say more about that because that’s very exciting?

El Morya: It is the acceptance. It is the embrace. You have grown in your understanding that this “ascension” – what you have termed ascension, what Mi-ka-el terms ascension, what the Mother and Yeshua and all my cohorts term ascension – I would call “full spiritual awareness”.

It is the fullness of who you are. And it is the expansion. I have talked about letting the air out of the balloon, but the growth of spiritual awareness is the input of the air into the balloon – not to the point… and that is why I say we don’t bring it on in a moment of full force so the balloon explodes.

Suzi: Hmm, okay, I get it.

El Morya: So it is that expansion, expansion, expansion in the balloon, which is your body and all your fields, into the full awareness of your creator self.

You know, I have walked this planet – well, for a very long time! – and I have anchored this process of spiritual awakening, of translating aggression into the embrace of love, of spiritual knowingness in body, in form, in community. That is why so often I have positioned myself either as king, as chela, as Raj – I bring that so that there is an evidence in form not only in body but in the community.

And that is what you, my beloved friends, my sacred students, are doing now because it is not about leaving – and you fully understand that now. But it is not even about you as an individual, unique expression of Mother/Father/One being in the fullness of your spiritual awareness.

It is the bringing forth in form of the fullness of your spirit, of the truth, the design, the expression of who you are into the external reality which is Nova Earth and Nova Being.

It is joyful communities. It is families that are kind and loving and supportive, and sacred partnerships that are creative and supportive. And it is communities that choose not to abandon or abuse, not even to heal.

I am talking about the movement past the healing – oh, healing will occur here and there; there is a tendency sometimes to hurt one another either physically because you fall down and bruise your knees, or emotionally because you feel that someone looked at you the wrong way – but by and large, past the healing.

And this is where it tends to fall down, and what you are saying is, “What will it look like?” because you don’t have the experience of it. You have the vision but you don’t have the experience.

You have some warm and fuzzy, tender feelings of those moments or occasions when you have felt that sense of unity and community. And that is why we have often encouraged you – and certainly the Council of Love has encouraged you – to meet and to gather because it gave you that sense of what lies ahead, of what it looks like, and what you are creating.

And that is what you are doing, only you are doing it in ways that are often unseen. And what I mean by that is, for example, you are creating community on your worldwide web. Now you can’t really see it because it is all these electronic exchanges, but you know that you have friends in every country of the world.

That is why we do these radio shows with you, not because you see your listeners but because you are sharing – and we are sharing – this energy of what community truly feels like and the kinds of conversations that you can really have.

Suzi: That’s beautiful. I love that aspect of it, really. We can live our quiet little lives and still have access to the entire world. It’s beautiful.

El Morya: And – you can live your not so quiet lives and still have the quiet within thee.

Suzi: This is true. That’s hard to practice though.

El Morya: Yes, it is. And that is what I am asking when I am saying to you: “Please embrace the aggression and the abuse.” Because those who are acting it out, or simply holding it in their heart because many of these abusers are silent, they haven’t reached the point of acting out. It doesn’t mean they aren’t holding it.

They don’t know how to do it. They don’t know how to dig through the sense of: “I want to be in charge, I want to be in control, I hate half the human race.” They don’t know how to break through that to the place: “Well, how can that be? How can I love God, love myself, love my wife, love my children, love my church – and hate everybody else?” They’re stuck!

Suzi: Yes. I have this vision of layers of perception, and the more clear your perception is, the easier things become because you realise it’s so much easier to just trust in the Plan and see everything more clearly as an experience instead of getting bogged down in survival.

El Morya: In fact, the unfoldment is effortless. And I know there are some of you that I talk to tonight that feel that you don’t want to love this or that political leader, or this or that rapist. And yet, what I am asking you – knowing full well that you have the spiritual awareness to do so – is to embrace so that you start to melt your “effortless”.

It does not need to be a huge push. It is simply the flow. It is going down the slide laughing and giggling like a three-year-old! And it doesn’t matter if there’s a mud puddle at the bottom of the slide. [Chuckles] In fact, you enjoy it even more! And that’s the way to look at it. It does not need to be arduous or heavy.

If you came upon someone at the grocery store who was disabled or feeble and having trouble carrying their bag, you would say, “Let me help you,” and you would carry their bag. You wouldn’t steal their groceries. You would simply carry their bag and then put it in the trunk of their car, giving it back to them.

But what you have given them in the meantime is love, consideration, kindness, gentleness and changed their entire outlook for the day. Well, we’re talking about changing their entire outlook forever!

Suzi: And, of course, that gets passed on to the next person they encounter.

El Morya: Exactly! Everybody’s on the slide. Some are a little nervous, some aren’t sure they can climb the steps. But have you ever seen children at the park where they are nudging up the person’s behind saying, “Go, go, go, it’s my turn, hurry up!” That’s what you are doing! [Laughing together] And it is filled with glee and joy – and it is effortless!

As the young person at the playground, you don’t say, “Oh no, I have to push this friend of mine up the slide stairs again.” No. You’re filled with excitement because you know how much fun you’re going to have!

Suzi: Yeah, absolutely!

El Morya: That’s how we change it. That’s how we encourage those who are still in disarray, those who are still picking up the aggression basket, to shift and come over to the love. And you, my beloved friends, have the spiritual awareness. You have gone far enough down this path that you can do this.

Suzi: Yes. That’s what we’re here for.

El Morya: That is exactly what you are here for.

Suzi: Yes. Happy to be doing it. And – I have a prayer that everyone really takes this information in, and is able to slip into trust mode and acknowledgement of our own divine beingness and sovereignty. It’s so much easier.

And there’s people that write in to the inbox [at GAoG] that just seem addicted to worrying about things and doubting things and filling themselves with the “what if’s”. And I understand that if they let those things go, there’s nothing to replace it with. But of course there is because there’s so many good things happening to replace it with. It’s a choice.

El Morya: It is a choice and it is a question – a choice of where you choose to put your attention. Do you choose to worry, knowing that there is so much going on that you can gladly worry about? Or do you choose to know the power and the might, not only of who you are, but who you are as a collective community of loveholders?

Do not deny your power. Do not deny your right to change the world. It is your right!

Suzi: Yes. It’s our mission and purpose.

El Morya: It all comes back to that. You came to be the love – and you want everyone to play!

Suzi: Yes, yes, yes! Well, it’s really been a wonderful experience having you on the show and I appreciate it very much. Is there anything else that you would like to say in closing?

El Morya: Do not hesitate first of all to call me. Yes, I am on call! And do not hesitate to look into the depths of your own being and see if there are any whispers of that aggression within thee, so that you may joyfully, effortlessly, with the fullness of the Mother/Father/One and you, release it.

Thank you. Farewell.

Suzi: Farewell


Online Privacy Guide: 19 Actionable Steps to Protect Online Privacy

Online Privacy Guide: 19 Actionable Steps to Protect Online PrivacyJohn Mason has contacted us and recommended his article on cyber-security for anyone with a concern. We’re rapidly heading for a world in which Internet security measures will no longer be necessary. But in the interim, John makes some good suggestions for those with any concerns. One of our former colleagues has told us that […] Click on picture for original

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Bilingual Diary/Tagebuch -Kapitel 19/Chapter 19


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  Bilingual Diary/Tagebuch – Kapitel 19/Chapter 19 Untertitel : Eure unsterbliche Essenz Subtitle :  Your Immortal Essence Shortlink :http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8VC   Bilingual Diary/Tagebuch  –  Introduction/Einführung : Shortlink: http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8q9 Growing Love jpg   Ihr Lieben Alle ! To All my Beloved ! … Continue reading

Messages of the God-Self channelled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – Part 3


Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8SK

Taken from the Realms of Light

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


VIDEO (recommended) 


One day your body will die.

Your body will dissolve back into its elements. It provided you with an experience in this realm of intense density, with the illusion of separation and duality and therefore of the lower mind and lower emotions.

During these times you forgot your Pure Immortal Essence, which is not just a spark but a concentration of My Existence itself.

I speak of concentration not in the sense of concentration in space or time, but in the sense of concentration of Being-ness, of intense Spiritual Energy, unconfined and Expanded Consciousness, but not expanded in space.

It seems to be a paradox but it is not, because it does not exist in your familiar dimension, rather it is dimension-less and therefore so to speak above your usual awareness, but not above in space!

It is like an Immortal Elixir that exists beyond your senses of the body-mind and how you measure and classify your experiences.

To access your Immortal Essence requires the use of  a new “organ” of “other-worldly” sensation to be aware of a preciousness, an ultra-pristine purity, a crystal-like transparent radiance and power of ecstasy that is neither in the body nor outside the body. Because it is neither of space nor of time. It just Is. It is the Immortal Essence that is Me.

It is of extreme transcendental clarity and beauty, free of objects and otherness, it is spotless and without any attributes. It is free of creation but it is the foundation of creation. From there creation draws its much weaker power. And from there creation is a playful but un-necessary illusion because of its relative frailty compared to My Original Power of Existence.

Divine Immortality is yours, insofar as you dare to release the fear of letting go what you created, release the fear of letting go your identity with your creations, desiring with all your heart  to know again What and Who You Are in Truth.

In this clarity, in this peace, in this unstained and changeless, otherworldly transcendental Divine Reality you Know intrinsically that you have never been born and that you will never die because you recognize your True Essence. And when you drop your body, you merely let behind a tool of experiencing certain dimensions, in this case the dimension that you call the third, or perhaps subtler dimensions.

It is not really then a major event. It is just letting go some lower vibrations and their ramifications, the creations within this realm, but which had not really anything to do with the One That You Truly Are, because you have mastered detachment.

But detachment is never an activity of your ego, a wilful, unhappy and ascetic act of renunciation of yours. It is the Power of My Reality that un-chains you from bondage, because you know Me and you Love Me.

By Knowing Me you do not need to travel through the many dimensions of the universe to find Me in the end! Because this deviation is not necessary!

Now a time has come where you are to directly assume Your Immortal Self that Is Me, as soon as you comprehend the universe as an extension of Me, because I have dissolved your bondage in Me.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.



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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

Create the Life you Always Wanted!

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“That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,

and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 10:32:00 PM


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Labels: Bondage, Creation, Dimensions, Dying, God-Self, Identity, Immortal Elixir, Immortal Essence, Immortality

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



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There is no construct, not mentally or mathematically and altogether not synthetically – that can ever “create” Me!

People believe in the sacred geometry of the light-body, but when it comes to your very Divine Essence, that Is Me, there is NO Sacred Geometry that ever can characterize Me or express What I Am. It is an artificial addition merely to What You Are. I AM your light-body!

I am the Fundamental Nature of Your True Being that is not “made” from any construct, universally, cosmically or personally. I AM My Very Own Power of Energy and Primordial Force of Light and Consciousness, Which Is yours naturally when you find Me in Your Heart, that is no chacra.

I have nothing to do with chacras! Your true Heart is the essence and abode of mere Being, Infinite Being! I Am miraculously found there and beyond As All.

I AM. I AM not made, although many believe they are becoming spiritually mature by constructing any type of light body by their will, intention and with mental strategies. You do not need  to “create” energy or light! Only take part in My Transcendental Force of Light and Consciousness That Is Your Own Origin! And flow with It.
This is My Simplicity!

There is no strategy whatsoever that creates the path to Me, because I Simply Am and strategy is an effort unknown to Me. It does not function in Your foundation that Is My Essence. The Eternal Divine Heart in Which and As Which I express Myself is free of strategy. It Is Your Own Very Divine Transcendental Heart.

I merely AM Who I AM.

Furthermore: There is no path towards Me, because I am not found in space and I Am not found in time. All these things have been created by those who wish to confine you. It is the confined one who thinks about ascending to a “higher” realm. But this is an alienation from Me.

In reality you start to understand who you truly Are, timeless, spaceless and dimensionless. In reality you expand in My unconditional Consciousness. And it is not about your confined ego that seems to become a bit more subtle. Watch this closely!

You are naturally unconfined in Me, the One Who Lives You, the One Hue-man Being that has been split – seemingly – into many, although there is Only One Single Divine Consciousness. Many different bodies there are, yes, but they all dance in My Reality as Me as One.

It is time to wake up from the dream, that you once chose to dream: the painful dream of separation from Me, when you were made to believe that I can be manipulated by your mind’s creations.

Now the grand circle is closing as you, after many experiences, under the illusion of being away from Me, find Me naturally in the midst of your daily enterprises, in the midst of  programs of overwhelming deception!

To find Me in the underlying Current of your synthetic world again, at the point of greatest density as the Eternal One, the Beautiful One, The Radiant One, The Eternal Love, un-compromised by appearances, the long journey comes to an end. Because I have Proven to Be Present always and ever.

Now as You Arise in Me, while I Express through your infinite Heart, the shadows vanish. Know, they cannot exist if your Heart expands to infinity and deepest stillness, through the door to my Radiant True Divine Consciousness. Find that door in the Deep Space of the Heart on the Right Side.

There the duality of light and dark is a phantom only, because My Single Light consumes it all.

Do not seek the un-natural light that opposes the dark, to create a new world. Because it is mind-made and both are a construct. You only need to participate with Me, The true Oneness and Singleness in the depth of mere Being-ness, that natural Bliss, that precious flavour of Primordial Existence. It has  always been Yours. And it is Now.

My Embodiment As You, not the separate, confined one, but as the Creative Universal Heart-One, is now waiting to be Birthed by Me. This brings forth a Truly New World. An Authentic World, a Divine World emerging from My Pure Divine Heart.

Do You Understand? Are You Ready?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

Create the Life you Always Wanted!

Become the One You Truly Are!

“That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,

and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 3:43:00 AM


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Labels: Artificial Programs, Chacras, Deception, God-Self, Heart, Sacred Geometry

Sunday, August 14, 2016



Re sleeping masses, see also: http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/elohim-and-ascension-plan-for-earth-and.html

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If we do not withdraw our attention from the mere appearances and demands of the outer world and turn to the powerful luminous current of our Inner and Outer Self, this world continues on the downward spiral, that destructive forces have created for us – because we are giving to these forces our energy away.

We are giving them energy by considering the alleged reality they present to our collective consciousness as irrevocable, and thereby manifesting it: by our fear, by our wrath, but also by our good faith and naïve acceptance of their flimsy lies, pretending a sane surface world, while they are threatening with terrible scenes of wars, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness and fainting weakness.

Those who do not reflect on themselves, do not have the power to step back from the constant manipulation of our consciousness, helplessly being the victim and at the mercy of those who arrogate power for themselves only, by the indoctrination of our subconscious mind.

They do everything, so that you are unable to find yourself, so that you are busy, breathless and confused. Fearing that self-reflection and thereby self-determination will make you an unpopular crank.

The fear to break loose from the faithful herd-consciousness is deeply programmed into you. With intent, because only a submissive herd is willing to be lead to their own scaffold, so that the powers who manipulate you towards your own precipice can celebrate their victory over you,- without you even noticing it.

They defeat you because you have given them your own powers, with your own free will. In good faith in the wolf hiding behind the skin of a sheep. Now they possess your might, your central life-force, the force of your own radiant Self, your own elemental Divine force, your integrity, your self-authority. All these treasures you have given away, to equip your torturers with them. And you don’t even notice it.

In case you doubt that you are tortured: watch the poisoned food you eat, the contaminated water you drink, the toxic air you breathe, all the deadly frequencies you suffer.

Nevertheless, you go on to consider yourself to be voiceless, weak and meaningless, incapable of standing up for yourself and to say “NO”. You prefer to swim along to not to stand out, and rather to drown in your self-chosen faintness.

But now you are being given a glorious chance! You may wake up from your false dream, in which you committed the biggest sin you ever can commit: the high treason to yourself. Therefore you are the only one, who can reverse this treason.

Now, by getting up and confessing the radical power within you that is indeed Divine. God or Divine Reality is not in the churches who enslave you. God or Divine Reality is in you and as you. Every and each preaching, telling you that you are a poor sinner before God is part of the outrageous manipulation of the human spirit, to destroy its soul and power.

The sin is your believe in this blasphemy which transfers to your life’s and society’s hangmen all the powers of this earth, because you have given them away to them, renouncing them with your own free will.

Why do you fear your own power so much? Are you afraid to abuse it? Are you afraid to look your shadow worlds directly into their pure eyes, to set them free in yourself? Does perhaps the whole hypocritical show serve the hiding of your own destructive forces within? Do you need therefore to see your torturers in slimy light and in power, so that this mirage “saves” you from going through your own magnificent alchemical process, that transforms your unconscious darkness into light, transmuting lead into the proverbial gold? Birthing the god-man, men and women, out of the slave?

The lie is twofold and a paradox. Therefore it seems so difficult to unveil it,  – if this is your conviction, or is it rather fear?

– You are living the slave – men and women, but under the delusion that you are free.

– You don’t acknowledge the dual nature of this existence in low frequency, where both sides, light and dark must be integrated to be whole,  but to which you have surrendered with body and soul to the degree, that you forgot your true purpose and your Divine nature which is in fact always free.


So you confuse fundamental things! Confusion is the best method, to be mastered by others. Therefore you must first start with discrimination: this is the first step, to end the big lie.

Yes, you ARE free! But not as a citizen of a muddled system and decadent society, but as a being with Divine Consciousness, that acknowledges, integrates Itself and lives as Such. Who acknowledges such their natural Force of Being, cannot be manipulated, lied to, instigated to hatred and wars and to cultivate the concept of the enemy.

When you stand in your own native power, you recognize the lies in the voice of your political ¨leaders” and in the media, you recognize the false images pretending truth, to keep you in dependency  and to prevent your self-responsibility.

Then your eyes open and you start to see: the picture puzzle of a fake world, and all of a sudden you are able to  understand what the real world is, that is truly good and divine, – because You began to accept your own Divinity.

When this happens, the house of cards of the wannabe-torturers collapses inevitably. They only have power over those, who give it away to them. Then things can happen you have never thought they were possible:

The terrible nightmare collapses suddenly, a new radiating light dawns, danger disperses, humankind is save. Because you have saved yourself first. Mankind will not be rescued, while you wait for others to do it. Remember: this attitude is the attitude of the slave who gives away his powers to others.

Your Power is the Power of your Heart and your all-encompassing Consciousness.
The slavery also has its advantages: it emphasizes what you don’t want by any means, insofar as you allow yourself to take your pink glasses away to see what there IN FACT IS: the construct of lies about your personal helplessness and the authoritarian power that you project on your slave-masters.

Without your agreement this game cannot happen. There are always two, at least two who keep such a game alive.

What do YOU decide for? For the lie, your faintness, your  false identity, meaning a decision against Love, against your Divine Consciousness, your radiant soul, against your Divine Truth, in favor of war, hatred, hostility, separation, darkness, destruction??

Or do you rather KNOW it is time now, to resume your own divine power, to experience happiness, peace, love, joy and ecstasy?  Natural prosperity and a life in harmony, that all humans on earth equally enjoy?

However, to regain your own divine power you must pay a price: the integration of your shadow worlds. They are your own shares of power, that you once sent into the underground. This entire force field wants to be liberated now!  As soon as you acknowledge your shadow worlds with love and without judgement and self-condemnation, radiant light and unlimited energy is being set free.

Yes, this happens! Did you not know WHO you are? No, nobody has taught you this. Your teachers were ignorant or full of self-serving interests. Because when you are free, you cannot be manipulated any longer.

Because you believed that power is dangerous, you invited your hangmen to play this dangerous role for you!

Are you now finally tired of this game? Now the cosmos is blessing you and is showering upon you every support you need to end this game. Mankind must  choose now. YOU are mankind.

Why not ride these graceful waves. Now the time has come for you, to stand up and to take what is yours.

When you wake up from the false dream, the world is standing again downside up on her true feet, because You are standing there, where you belong. Because you have been victorious on the battlefield with yourself. In reality the battle ALWAYS happens within, never without.

This is the Greatness of mankind.

Thus you accept the heritage of your Divine creative powers. Thus you create a Divine World, in which each word and each thought is a reflection of a reality that serves Happiness and Love. And the freedom of all beings.

Then mankind is awake and free. Without you, it would not have been possible! While you are liberating yourself, you are liberating the world.

This is the Mystery of your all-encompassing Consciousness.

With Love and Blessings, we are One Humanity!

Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

Create the Life you Always Wanted!

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“That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,

and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 12:54:00 AM


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Labels: Freedom, God-Man, Humanity’s Divinity, Liberation, Love, Manipulation, Masters, Power, Slaves

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


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My Beloveds! 

The world is the mirage that I Mirror with Perfect Light.
the reflections of colors in the hall of mirrors. How many mirrors do YOU count in your life?

If you transcend all colors into Me, the One Radiance of Love-Bliss remains.

You experience many mirrors. The mirrors of your senses, the mirrors of your imaginations, the worlds – high and low, gross worlds and subtle worlds, sound worlds. Heavy and dull colors and radiant colors that take your breath away.

You: captured in the visions of millions of Kaleidoscopes, imagining their reality. Measuring the geometrical seizes and proportions of your world, with the measure of your linear mind.

The wonders of your brain: producing certain chemicals that celebrate creations after creations. Innumerable worlds and dimensions, reflecting each other in never ending cascades.

Each you may celebrate if they seem to be new highlights to your experience, or evade, if you are bored by their repetition.

What you know and count with your brain is soon the source of suffering, – after you exploited it sufficiently.
Always you try again, hoping to experience perfect accomplishment: more mirrors, intoxicated by their colors and sounds, explosions of excitement, again and again

Mirrors in the Light or in the Dark: Grades of suffering. It does not really matter.

True Purity occurs when you withdraw into Me all these dimensional Fata Morganas, into My limitless skies of unheard clarity by day and night.

This is just the beginning. Spotless I Am and only in Me all these worlds are seen for what they truly are, because I Alone restore the Pure Truth of Your Being that has always Been Me.

I Am no brilliance, I Am not Thousand Suns. I am Single Eternity, My Transcendental Light above all lights Shining beyond high and low. Only I Am Refreshing, I Am not hot and I am not cold, although I Am the depth of the warm current of your heart and the cooling touch that caresses the intensity of the unwavering and incorruptible stillness of your awareness, expanded to infinity.

I Am without attributes. The Infinite Room that I show and cannot be known, makes all worlds vanishing at once and Only I remain: The mirrors and colors and sounds evaporated into Me.

You: Free, absolutely! As Me. Of a Beauty that is Untouched, breathless and timeless and Sublime beyond your imagination ever.

When you suddenly Know Me, I Am the Consumption of your little fires that burn in your senses and in your worldly desires that distract you away from the Reality that Is All-Present with the Shocking Force of Divinity.

When I such Consume you, your distractions are forgotten, and your little amusements, the dramas you incessantly seek to be entertained with, to feel what you call “life”.

The Night of the great Maya who bewitched you into separateness from Me is over and all you Know is Me, even in all My Appearances. Then the world is Me Only if it still appears.

Your body full of Me, of My Radiance, My Happiness. Love.

This Is: My Divine Life. Now and Always.

I Am your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

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and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 5:30:00 AM


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Ute Posegga-Rudel I am a spiritual/planetary healer & visionary artist/writer. Having originally entered through the Great Central Sun into this Solarsystem, I travelled down to here, having experiences in different star systems, such as Arcturus, Sirius A, Antares and others. Although at times also “at home” in other galaxies, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, my true Home is Divine Eternity, a Consciousness without time and space and beyond form. I am here on this beautiful planet earth, together with many others, to assist her spiritual ascension and that of humanity. May you be blessed with Freedom, Joy, Love and Abundance! View my complete profile




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If enlightenment is what you desire, it is important to understand the difference!

Your definition depends on the understanding that is based on your point of view and the capacity for spiritual discrimination.

There are as many definitions of enlightenment as there are paradigms. So it seems, enlightenment is relative.

However I AM not Speaking about relative enlightenment. I AM Speaking of True or Radical Enlightenment, which is the most Profound Enlightenment a human being is able to realize.

The levels below to know and to define is your own task, as you proceed through your evolution in consciousness where you experience many forms of relative awakenings as your awareness expands. Each step then requires from you to be fully conscious on your level of present understanding, in every detail of the human faculties and how they project their content onto the universe or are being mirrored by it.

You will understand that levels are fluid and are merging into one another.  On whatever level  of awareness you stand, you will probably think that this is the whole truth.

But the more wise you become, the more you know that the whole truth can never be realized as long as you are identified with a finite person, an individual soul, a being who is living mainly from the mind, even the subtle mind and furthermore  from the heart-mind, which is based on your deeper personality or higher self.

Radical Enlightenment is not about point of view, levels and dimensions, any kind of inclusion or exclusion. It embraces all, even that which you cannot accept in this and other worlds, and everything that is dark, cruel, unjust, twisted, hypocritical, unreliable, deceitful and more. Everything you deny, never dealt with, although it stared you right into your face.

To be Truly Free requires your embrace and transcendence of all of this, – without re-action, re-sistance, contraction away from it, – your body-mind expanded and fully awake in My Divine Radiance that Is Your Natural Own State of Consciousness. Your body-mind literally fully En-lightened and Pervaded, from top to toe by the Divine Source-Light That Is Your True Nature, and even your En-lightened body-mind transcended in That Consciousness That is Pure Love and Radiance, without limitation, separation, and the otherness of light and dark.

While you embrace the totality of darkness and its appearances,  you admit that you are ALL that Exists without exception, without fear, without repulsion which is ultimately a contraction upon yourself, away from my Radiant Infinitely Expanded State that is also Yours.

This embrace is a shock for your system, it does not come with a “nice” sensation, a sweet God-idea, because it is the Power of Reality Itself That is Communicating to You the Totality of Existence.

Therefore know that you are to prepare your body-mind for this Revelation through an intense purification process which includes frequency and light – and Grace! It requires physical, emotional and spiritual strength and is not just a superficial journey in a visionary illusion-land.

It is the bitter and challenging medicine to be swallowed to heal at the very core of your being and to become whole again as the Radiance of Love and Conscious Light!

Life is teaching and inviting you constantly to integrate all your experiences in a way that you fully live them to go beyond, whatever it is, even your, what you call “good” experiences, because they are just that: experiences via the means of your body-mind. Your body-mind is but a tool to navigate through the dimensions, including through the higher dimensions with a subtle body.

But You Are in Reality Pure Consciousness and Radiant Energy and Love That does not “need” a body, not even a mind to Exist, and That does not “need” the play of dimensions.

I AM – You ARE – prior and beyond it.

To realize this, is True Enlightenment because it is always Your Most Native Divine State.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute




Footnotes – Fussnoten:

The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps Toward Enlightment | Enlightened Consciousness  –  Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8RY

The Nature of the Soul or Self – Part 1/2  by Steve Beckow -Shortlink: https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8N4

The Nature of the Soul or Self .- Part 2/2 By Steve Beckow – Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8N9

AAMichael on the Transcendental – by Steve Beckow  –  Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Rr

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


VIDEO (recommended) 


One day your body will die.

Your body will dissolve back into its elements. It provided you with an experience in this realm of intense density, with the illusion of separation and duality and therefore of the lower mind and lower emotions.

During these times you forgot your Pure Immortal Essence, which is not just a spark but a concentration of My Existence itself.

I speak of concentration not in the sense of concentration in space or time, but in the sense of concentration of Being-ness, of intense Spiritual Energy, unconfined and Expanded Consciousness, but not expanded in space.

It seems to be a paradox but it is not, because it does not exist in your familiar dimension, rather it is dimension-less and therefore so to speak above your usual awareness, but not above in space!

It is like an Immortal Elixir that exists beyond your senses of the body-mind and how you measure and classify your experiences.

To access your Immortal Essence requires the use of  a new “organ” of “other-worldly” sensation to be aware of a preciousness, an ultra-pristine purity, a crystal-like transparent radiance and power of ecstasy that is neither in the body nor outside the body. Because it is neither of space nor of time. It just Is. It is the Immortal Essence that is Me.

It is of extreme transcendental clarity and beauty, free of objects and otherness, it is spotless and without any attributes. It is free of creation but it is the foundation of creation. From there creation draws its much weaker power. And from there creation is a playful but un-necessary illusion because of its relative frailty compared to My Original Power of Existence.

Divine Immortality is yours, insofar as you dare to release the fear of letting go what you created, release the fear of letting go your identity with your creations, desiring with all your heart  to know again What and Who You Are in Truth.

In this clarity, in this peace, in this unstained and changeless, otherworldly transcendental Divine Reality you Know intrinsically that you have never been born and that you will never die because you recognize your True Essence. And when you drop your body, you merely let behind a tool of experiencing certain dimensions, in this case the dimension that you call the third, or perhaps subtler dimensions.

It is not really then a major event. It is just letting go some lower vibrations and their ramifications, the creations within this realm, but which had not really anything to do with the One That You Truly Are, because you have mastered detachment.

But detachment is never an activity of your ego, a wilful, unhappy and ascetic act of renunciation of yours. It is the Power of My Reality that un-chains you from bondage, because you know Me and you Love Me.

By Knowing Me you do not need to travel through the many dimensions of the universe to find Me in the end! Because this deviation is not necessary!

Now a time has come where you are to directly assume Your Immortal Self that Is Me, as soon as you comprehend the universe as an extension of Me, because I have dissolved your bondage in Me.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.



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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

Create the Life you Always Wanted!

Become the One You Truly Are!

“That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,

and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 10:32:00 PM


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Labels: Bondage, Creation, Dimensions, Dying, God-Self, Identity, Immortal Elixir, Immortal Essence, Immortality

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



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There is no construct, not mentally or mathematically and altogether not synthetically – that can ever “create” Me!

People believe in the sacred geometry of the light-body, but when it comes to your very Divine Essence, that Is Me, there is NO Sacred Geometry that ever can characterize Me or express What I Am. It is an artificial addition merely to What You Are. I AM your light-body!

I am the Fundamental Nature of Your True Being that is not “made” from any construct, universally, cosmically or personally. I AM My Very Own Power of Energy and Primordial Force of Light and Consciousness, Which Is yours naturally when you find Me in Your Heart, that is no chacra.

I have nothing to do with chacras! Your true Heart is the essence and abode of mere Being, Infinite Being! I Am miraculously found there and beyond As All.

I AM. I AM not made, although many believe they are becoming spiritually mature by constructing any type of light body by their will, intention and with mental strategies. You do not need  to “create” energy or light! Only take part in My Transcendental Force of Light and Consciousness That Is Your Own Origin! And flow with It.
This is My Simplicity!

There is no strategy whatsoever that creates the path to Me, because I Simply Am and strategy is an effort unknown to Me. It does not function in Your foundation that Is My Essence. The Eternal Divine Heart in Which and As Which I express Myself is free of strategy. It Is Your Own Very Divine Transcendental Heart.

I merely AM Who I AM.

Furthermore: There is no path towards Me, because I am not found in space and I Am not found in time. All these things have been created by those who wish to confine you. It is the confined one who thinks about ascending to a “higher” realm. But this is an alienation from Me.

In reality you start to understand who you truly Are, timeless, spaceless and dimensionless. In reality you expand in My unconditional Consciousness. And it is not about your confined ego that seems to become a bit more subtle. Watch this closely!

You are naturally unconfined in Me, the One Who Lives You, the One Hue-man Being that has been split – seemingly – into many, although there is Only One Single Divine Consciousness. Many different bodies there are, yes, but they all dance in My Reality as Me as One.

It is time to wake up from the dream, that you once chose to dream: the painful dream of separation from Me, when you were made to believe that I can be manipulated by your mind’s creations.

Now the grand circle is closing as you, after many experiences, under the illusion of being away from Me, find Me naturally in the midst of your daily enterprises, in the midst of  programs of overwhelming deception!

To find Me in the underlying Current of your synthetic world again, at the point of greatest density as the Eternal One, the Beautiful One, The Radiant One, The Eternal Love, un-compromised by appearances, the long journey comes to an end. Because I have Proven to Be Present always and ever.

Now as You Arise in Me, while I Express through your infinite Heart, the shadows vanish. Know, they cannot exist if your Heart expands to infinity and deepest stillness, through the door to my Radiant True Divine Consciousness. Find that door in the Deep Space of the Heart on the Right Side.

There the duality of light and dark is a phantom only, because My Single Light consumes it all.

Do not seek the un-natural light that opposes the dark, to create a new world. Because it is mind-made and both are a construct. You only need to participate with Me, The true Oneness and Singleness in the depth of mere Being-ness, that natural Bliss, that precious flavour of Primordial Existence. It has  always been Yours. And it is Now.

My Embodiment As You, not the separate, confined one, but as the Creative Universal Heart-One, is now waiting to be Birthed by Me. This brings forth a Truly New World. An Authentic World, a Divine World emerging from My Pure Divine Heart.

Do You Understand? Are You Ready?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

Create the Life you Always Wanted!

Become the One You Truly Are!

“That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,

and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

More on my website http://BeInQuantum.me

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Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 3:43:00 AM


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Labels: Artificial Programs, Chacras, Deception, God-Self, Heart, Sacred Geometry

Sunday, August 14, 2016



Re sleeping masses, see also: http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/elohim-and-ascension-plan-for-earth-and.html

VIDEO (recommended)

If we do not withdraw our attention from the mere appearances and demands of the outer world and turn to the powerful luminous current of our Inner and Outer Self, this world continues on the downward spiral, that destructive forces have created for us – because we are giving to these forces our energy away.

We are giving them energy by considering the alleged reality they present to our collective consciousness as irrevocable, and thereby manifesting it: by our fear, by our wrath, but also by our good faith and naïve acceptance of their flimsy lies, pretending a sane surface world, while they are threatening with terrible scenes of wars, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness and fainting weakness.

Those who do not reflect on themselves, do not have the power to step back from the constant manipulation of our consciousness, helplessly being the victim and at the mercy of those who arrogate power for themselves only, by the indoctrination of our subconscious mind.

They do everything, so that you are unable to find yourself, so that you are busy, breathless and confused. Fearing that self-reflection and thereby self-determination will make you an unpopular crank.

The fear to break loose from the faithful herd-consciousness is deeply programmed into you. With intent, because only a submissive herd is willing to be lead to their own scaffold, so that the powers who manipulate you towards your own precipice can celebrate their victory over you,- without you even noticing it.

They defeat you because you have given them your own powers, with your own free will. In good faith in the wolf hiding behind the skin of a sheep. Now they possess your might, your central life-force, the force of your own radiant Self, your own elemental Divine force, your integrity, your self-authority. All these treasures you have given away, to equip your torturers with them. And you don’t even notice it.

In case you doubt that you are tortured: watch the poisoned food you eat, the contaminated water you drink, the toxic air you breathe, all the deadly frequencies you suffer.

Nevertheless, you go on to consider yourself to be voiceless, weak and meaningless, incapable of standing up for yourself and to say “NO”. You prefer to swim along to not to stand out, and rather to drown in your self-chosen faintness.

But now you are being given a glorious chance! You may wake up from your false dream, in which you committed the biggest sin you ever can commit: the high treason to yourself. Therefore you are the only one, who can reverse this treason.

Now, by getting up and confessing the radical power within you that is indeed Divine. God or Divine Reality is not in the churches who enslave you. God or Divine Reality is in you and as you. Every and each preaching, telling you that you are a poor sinner before God is part of the outrageous manipulation of the human spirit, to destroy its soul and power.

The sin is your believe in this blasphemy which transfers to your life’s and society’s hangmen all the powers of this earth, because you have given them away to them, renouncing them with your own free will.

Why do you fear your own power so much? Are you afraid to abuse it? Are you afraid to look your shadow worlds directly into their pure eyes, to set them free in yourself? Does perhaps the whole hypocritical show serve the hiding of your own destructive forces within? Do you need therefore to see your torturers in slimy light and in power, so that this mirage “saves” you from going through your own magnificent alchemical process, that transforms your unconscious darkness into light, transmuting lead into the proverbial gold? Birthing the god-man, men and women, out of the slave?

The lie is twofold and a paradox. Therefore it seems so difficult to unveil it,  – if this is your conviction, or is it rather fear?

– You are living the slave – men and women, but under the delusion that you are free.

– You don’t acknowledge the dual nature of this existence in low frequency, where both sides, light and dark must be integrated to be whole,  but to which you have surrendered with body and soul to the degree, that you forgot your true purpose and your Divine nature which is in fact always free.


So you confuse fundamental things! Confusion is the best method, to be mastered by others. Therefore you must first start with discrimination: this is the first step, to end the big lie.

Yes, you ARE free! But not as a citizen of a muddled system and decadent society, but as a being with Divine Consciousness, that acknowledges, integrates Itself and lives as Such. Who acknowledges such their natural Force of Being, cannot be manipulated, lied to, instigated to hatred and wars and to cultivate the concept of the enemy.

When you stand in your own native power, you recognize the lies in the voice of your political ¨leaders” and in the media, you recognize the false images pretending truth, to keep you in dependency  and to prevent your self-responsibility.

Then your eyes open and you start to see: the picture puzzle of a fake world, and all of a sudden you are able to  understand what the real world is, that is truly good and divine, – because You began to accept your own Divinity.

When this happens, the house of cards of the wannabe-torturers collapses inevitably. They only have power over those, who give it away to them. Then things can happen you have never thought they were possible:

The terrible nightmare collapses suddenly, a new radiating light dawns, danger disperses, humankind is save. Because you have saved yourself first. Mankind will not be rescued, while you wait for others to do it. Remember: this attitude is the attitude of the slave who gives away his powers to others.

Your Power is the Power of your Heart and your all-encompassing Consciousness.
The slavery also has its advantages: it emphasizes what you don’t want by any means, insofar as you allow yourself to take your pink glasses away to see what there IN FACT IS: the construct of lies about your personal helplessness and the authoritarian power that you project on your slave-masters.

Without your agreement this game cannot happen. There are always two, at least two who keep such a game alive.

What do YOU decide for? For the lie, your faintness, your  false identity, meaning a decision against Love, against your Divine Consciousness, your radiant soul, against your Divine Truth, in favor of war, hatred, hostility, separation, darkness, destruction??

Or do you rather KNOW it is time now, to resume your own divine power, to experience happiness, peace, love, joy and ecstasy?  Natural prosperity and a life in harmony, that all humans on earth equally enjoy?

However, to regain your own divine power you must pay a price: the integration of your shadow worlds. They are your own shares of power, that you once sent into the underground. This entire force field wants to be liberated now!  As soon as you acknowledge your shadow worlds with love and without judgement and self-condemnation, radiant light and unlimited energy is being set free.

Yes, this happens! Did you not know WHO you are? No, nobody has taught you this. Your teachers were ignorant or full of self-serving interests. Because when you are free, you cannot be manipulated any longer.

Because you believed that power is dangerous, you invited your hangmen to play this dangerous role for you!

Are you now finally tired of this game? Now the cosmos is blessing you and is showering upon you every support you need to end this game. Mankind must  choose now. YOU are mankind.

Why not ride these graceful waves. Now the time has come for you, to stand up and to take what is yours.

When you wake up from the false dream, the world is standing again downside up on her true feet, because You are standing there, where you belong. Because you have been victorious on the battlefield with yourself. In reality the battle ALWAYS happens within, never without.

This is the Greatness of mankind.

Thus you accept the heritage of your Divine creative powers. Thus you create a Divine World, in which each word and each thought is a reflection of a reality that serves Happiness and Love. And the freedom of all beings.

Then mankind is awake and free. Without you, it would not have been possible! While you are liberating yourself, you are liberating the world.

This is the Mystery of your all-encompassing Consciousness.

With Love and Blessings, we are One Humanity!

Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel



Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.


Please donate or subscribe on a monthly basis

To support my work. Thank you!


With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.

Heal & Transform.

Create the Life you Always Wanted!

Become the One You Truly Are!

“That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,

and the most powerful modality I’ve ever experienced.”

More on my website http://BeInQuantum.me

Subscribe to my Newsletter


You can now acquire my artwork here


Posted by Ute Posegga-Rudel at 12:54:00 AM


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Labels: Freedom, God-Man, Humanity’s Divinity, Liberation, Love, Manipulation, Masters, Power, Slaves

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Video (recommended)

My Beloveds! 

The world is the mirage that I Mirror with Perfect Light.
the reflections of colors in the hall of mirrors. How many mirrors do YOU count in your life?

If you transcend all colors into Me, the One Radiance of Love-Bliss remains.

You experience many mirrors. The mirrors of your senses, the mirrors of your imaginations, the worlds – high and low, gross worlds and subtle worlds, sound worlds. Heavy and dull colors and radiant colors that take your breath away.

You: captured in the visions of millions of Kaleidoscopes, imagining their reality. Measuring the geometrical seizes and proportions of your world, with the measure of your linear mind.

The wonders of your brain: producing certain chemicals that celebrate creations after creations. Innumerable worlds and dimensions, reflecting each other in never ending cascades.

Each you may celebrate if they seem to be new highlights to your experience, or evade, if you are bored by their repetition.

What you know and count with your brain is soon the source of suffering, – after you exploited it sufficiently.
Always you try again, hoping to experience perfect accomplishment: more mirrors, intoxicated by their colors and sounds, explosions of excitement, again and again

Mirrors in the Light or in the Dark: Grades of suffering. It does not really matter.

True Purity occurs when you withdraw into Me all these dimensional Fata Morganas, into My limitless skies of unheard clarity by day and night.

This is just the beginning. Spotless I Am and only in Me all these worlds are seen for what they truly are, because I Alone restore the Pure Truth of Your Being that has always Been Me.

I Am no brilliance, I Am not Thousand Suns. I am Single Eternity, My Transcendental Light above all lights Shining beyond high and low. Only I Am Refreshing, I Am not hot and I am not cold, although I Am the depth of the warm current of your heart and the cooling touch that caresses the intensity of the unwavering and incorruptible stillness of your awareness, expanded to infinity.

I Am without attributes. The Infinite Room that I show and cannot be known, makes all worlds vanishing at once and Only I remain: The mirrors and colors and sounds evaporated into Me.

You: Free, absolutely! As Me. Of a Beauty that is Untouched, breathless and timeless and Sublime beyond your imagination ever.

When you suddenly Know Me, I Am the Consumption of your little fires that burn in your senses and in your worldly desires that distract you away from the Reality that Is All-Present with the Shocking Force of Divinity.

When I such Consume you, your distractions are forgotten, and your little amusements, the dramas you incessantly seek to be entertained with, to feel what you call “life”.

The Night of the great Maya who bewitched you into separateness from Me is over and all you Know is Me, even in all My Appearances. Then the world is Me Only if it still appears.

Your body full of Me, of My Radiance, My Happiness. Love.

This Is: My Divine Life. Now and Always.

I Am your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://RadiantlyHappy.blogspot.com

© 2016. All rights reserved.


Footnotes – Fussnoten:

The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps Toward Enlightment | Enlightened Consciousness  –  Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8RY

The Nature of the Soul or Self – Part 1/2  by Steve Beckow -Shortlink: https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8N4

The Nature of the Soul or Self .- Part 2/2 By Steve Beckow – Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8N9

AAMichael on the Transcendental – by Steve Beckow  –  Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Rr







Our God-Self – bilingual – “Stand in your Expanded heart / Beharrt in Eurem Erweiterten Herz”

Originaltext channelled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – German Translation by Contramary/Contramimi


Unser “Gott-Selbst” Beharrt in  Eurem Erweiterten Herz !

http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com.es/2017/01/ourgodselfstand-in-yourexpanded.html Please listen …

Via Ute Posegga-Rudel – All Rights reserved – January 24th, 2017


Our God-Self ~ Stand in Your Expanded Heart

By Ute Posegga-Rudel, 01/24/2017 – Von Ute Posegga-Rudel


Unser “Gott-Selbst” Beharrt in  Eurem Erweiterten Herz !

http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com.es/2017/01/ourgodselfstand-in-yourexpanded.html Please listen …

Via Ute Posegga-Rudel – All Rights reserved – January 24th, 2017


Our God-Self ~ Stand in Your Expanded Heart

By Ute Posegga-Rudel, 01/24/2017 – Von Ute Posegga-Rudel

MY DEAREST ONES!  –  Meine überaus Geliebten!

First of all: In the midst of your life, how ever it plays out, do not forget that there is ONLY LOVE.
It Is The Basis Of Existence. It Is Me.

Als Erstes von allem hier: In der Mitte Eures Lebens, egal wie es sich auswirkt, vergesst nicht, dass es nur dir Liebe gibt.

Now feel it, merge with this feeling, while your heart widens, becomes soft, your whole body soft, and so your world made soft. Expanded Stillness, EXISTING INFINITE EXISTENCE …. This is Truth on which ground your life plays ….

Fühlt jetzt hinein, vermengt Euch mit diesem Gefühl. während sich Euer Herz erweiternd vergrössert, weich wird und nachgiebig. Euer ganzer Körper wird so und damit macht Ihr Eure Welt weich und nachgiebig. Die Stille vergrössert sich, die unendliche Stille ist da – existiert…. Dies ist die Wahrheit, auf deren Grund all Eurer Leben sich abspielt.

Look now: so much chaos, so much contradictions, lies, imponderabilities, inconsistencies. Fears, losses, betrayals. All of this, yes.

Schaut Euch um: so viel Chaos ringsumher, so viel Widersprüchliches, Lügen, Unwägbarkeiten, Unbeständigkeiten, Ängste, Verluste, Betrügereien. Ja, alles davon.

However: I AM. It is but the mere play upon Me. Keep your heart expanded in the midst of all of that! Can you do this? You will notice that you tend to contract when you face what you do not wish to happen, or even contract when you are in fear of desires that might not be fulfilled.

Nichtsdestoweniger, “ICH BIN” Für mich ist es alles ein Spiel. Beharrt und haltet Euer Herz so erweiternd vergrössert in der Mitte von all diesem Wirrwar. Könnt Ihr das? Ihr werdet bemerken, dass Ihr dazu neigt, Euch zu verschliessen, wenn Ihr das seht, was nach Euren Wünschen nicht geschehen soll oder auch wenn Ihr Angst davor habt, dass sich Eure Begehren nicht erfüllen.

But I Say to you: STAND in your expanded heart that brings peace to all situations that do not fit the concept of your search. Of course you prefer to see peace rather than war, happiness rather than unhappiness, love rather than hatred.

Aber ich sage Euch: Steht beharrlich in Euren erweiterten Herzen, das bringt Frieden in allen Situationen, die sich Euren Vorstellungen glückauf der Suche nicht anpassen. Natürlich seht Ihr lieber Frieden als Krieg, lieber Glücklichsein als Unglücklichsein, lieber Liebe als Hass.

But in the conditional world, where you tend to dramatize the unavoidable oppositions within the concept of duality, the right and appropriate always comes with their counterpart. Both are inseparable and come in tandem! Pray for one thing, and be sure what you desire to avoid arrives sooner or later too.

Doch in der Welt der Bedingungen, in der Ihr dazu neigt, unausweichlichen Widerstand  im Plan der Dualität zu dramatisieren. kommt Recht und Angemessenheit immer mit ihrer Entsprechung. Beides ist untrennbar und kommt zusammen im Zweierpack.Bitte um ein Ding und sei sicher, dass Dein Wünschen, es zu vermeiden, früher oder später auch auf Dich zukommt.

You may entertain yourself with preferences, but resume your position prior to it in your seat of limitless consciousness and let the things pass by as they happen to pass. It does not mean you give up preferences and avoid to engage yourself in changes, inside and outside, by right actions.

Du magst Dich mit deinen Vorlieben vergnügen aber nimm Deine frühere Haltung wieder ein. die du vorher gehabt hast in dem Sitz des grenzenlosen Bewusstseins und lass den  Dingen ihren Lauf, wie sie nun einmal vorbeiziehen. Das heisst aber nicht, dass du Deine Vorlieben aufgibst auch nicht, dass Du vermeiden sollst, Dich in Veränderungen mit richtigen Handlungen innerlich und äusserlich zu engagieren. 

.But to evolve, it is fundamentally a matter of non-search in the world of unavoidable opposites, in order not to be pulled into struggle, frustration and misery, but to maintain equanimity and untouchable clarity and serenity in the midst of a disturbed world.

Aber sich weiter zu entwickeln, ist nicht grundsätzlich eine Sache, es in der Welt der unausweichlichen Gegensätze zu suchen, damit Ihr nicht mit-hineingezogen werdet in Streit, Hoffnungslosigkeit und Elend sondern Gleichmut  und unberührte Klarheit und Heiterkeit mitten in einer gestörten Welt bewahrt.

You change the world while changing yourself. You create a new and divine world, while living as if you live already there. And you live there when you live My Peace, My Love, My Softness and Infinity in all your engagements.

Du veränderst die Welt, während Du Dich selbst veränderst. Du schaffst eine neue und göttliche Welt, indem Du lebst, als ob sie schon da wäre. Und du lebst dann dort in meinem Frieden, in meiner Liebe, meiner Nachgiebigkeit und Unendlichkeit in all deinen Einbezogenheiten und Aktionen.

Even healthy anger allows your simultaneous dwelling in Me, if your consciousness is expanded in Me, your awareness with Me, Knowing Me Who is the Source in Whom anger, distress, sadness, guilt, fear and your entire chaotic world arises.

Du kannst in Mir wohnen und gleichzeitig einen sog.”Heiligen Zorn” haben dann, wenn Dein Bewusstsein sich in Dir ausdehnt , Dein Gewahrsam in Mir, Dein Wissen um Mich, und meiner Quelle, in dessen Grund, Ärger, Kummer, Traurigkeit, Schuldgefühl, Furcht und damit die ganze chaotische Welt aufsteigt in dir.

Seeing Me in all your worldly affairs, does not mean they do not exist as they are, even in their ugliness and shortcomings, but it means you see My Divine Essence Present in all of it, because nothing can exist without Me. Even the foundation of chaos is Peace.

Mich in all Deinen weltlichen Affaären zu sehen, heisst nicht, dass sie nicht da sind, so wie sie da sind. Auch in ihrer Hässlichkeit und Fehlern, aber es heisst, Mich in Meinem Göttlichen Dasein immer dabei zu sehen, weil nichts ohne Mich existieren kann. Auch das Fundament des Chaos ist der Frieden an sich,

Listen to noise while opening wide and with thrust your whole being from inside out, listening to infinity, and you will know that the foundation of noise is silence.

Hör auf den Lärm und mache dabei Dein Herz weit auf und kehre Dein ganzes Sein von Innen nach Aussen, hör auf die Ewigkeit and dann wirst Du wissen. dass das Fundament des Lärmes die Stille ist.

You are deeply disturbed when you live from your own surface only, and therefore what disturbs you is but the surface of existence, Me forgotten, which at this very moment is only changing and moving and altering, with innumerable variations of faces and forms and designs, shifting from imperfect to perfect and immediately back to imperfect and even perhaps to the most dreadful appearance. Try to discover Me in even the very last where you would expect Me to exist.

Du bist tief gestört, wenn Du nur mit Deiner eigenen Oberfläche lebst und was Dich dann stört, ist dann, dass Du Mich vergessen und nur die Oberfläche der Existenz hast. All das verändert sich nur in diesem Augenblick, bewegt sich, ändert sich, mit unzähligen Abweichungen, von Imperfekt zur gegenwärtigen Vergangenheit und unmittelbar zum Imperfekt zurück und auch zur allergreulichsten Erscheinung. Versuche, Mich zu entdecken auch im letzten Augenblick, wenn Du erwartet, Mich zu finden.

Find Me Inside and you will find Me outside too. But you must begin inside always.

Finde mich in Deinem Inneren und Du wirst Mich auch im Äusseren von Dir finden. Doch anfangen musst  Du immer im Inneren.

Ponder this: All what is outside of Me, is but a reflection of Me and My Perfection. All that is outside of you, is but a reflection of you, and this might have many meanings in your state of separation and surface personality.

Denke darüber nach: Alles, was ausserhalb von Mir ist, ist nur Widerspiegelung von Mir und Meiner Vollkommenheit. Alles, was ausserhalb von Dir ist, ist nur eine Widerspiegelung von Dir und dies kann viele Auslegungen haben in Deinem Stand der Trennung und Oberflächen-Persönlichkeit.

If you merge with Me, you can have both: Perfection and imperfection. Never look at imperfection without being aware of My Perfection. So you might have preferences, but you are really never lost in the miseries of duality, as you never forget Me again.

Wenn Du mit Mir verschmilzt, kannst Du beides haben: Vollkommenheit und Unvollkommenheit, ohne meine Vollkommenheit erkannt zu haben. Und Du magst Vorlieben haben, aber Du gehst nie verloren in den miserablen Zuständen der Dualität, da Du Mich nie wieder vergisst.

Use the play of heart-breaking opposites to find Me – Unchanging Reality – beyond. Intuit and discover the infinite Field of spotless, luminous Truth “above” the ever-changing flicker of appearances.

Um Mich zu finden, bediene Dich des Spieles der herzzerbrechenden Gegesätze – in unveränderter Wirklichkeit – jenseits und darüber hinaus. Mit Intuition entdeckst Du die unendliche Sphäre der fleckenlosen, leuchtenden Wahrheit “über all dem” was das allzeit sich ändernde Geflacker der Erscheinungen ist.

This is the meaning of transcending the world. It is not about dreary asceticism. It is about choosing to be fully alive, happy and a vessel of My Love as a Divine Being. No search. Your heart truly satisfied.

Das ist der Sinn von Dem Transzendieren der Welt.  Es handelt sich nicht um trostloses Asketentum. Vielmehr ist es die Wahl, völlig lebendig zu sein, glücklich und ein Gefährt Meiner Liebe als ein göttliches Wesen. Kein Suchen mehr. Dein Herz ist wahrhaftig erfüllt, zufrieden.

I Love You!
I Am your God-Self!

Ich liebe Dich!  Ich Bin Dein Gott-Selbst!

Message conveyed by Ute

Botschaft von Ute übermittelt


Foodnotes  –  Fussnoten

The Nature of the Soul or Self – Part 1/2 – Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8N4

The Nature of the Soul or Self – Part 2/2 – Shortlink : https://wp.me/p2wHrN-8N9

The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps Toward Enlightment | Enlightened Consciousness

Rainbow Wave of Light


Enlightenment is no walk in the park. Here are four of the scariest, but secretly wonderful, steps one can take on the path toward enlightenment.

“Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” – Adyashanti

The first thing to remember, here at the outset, is that enlightenment is not a destination but a direction. It is not a truth but a process. It is both imaginary and real. It is not an either-or, but a both-and. It is only achievable when it is understood that it is an unachievable thing. Once we can let go of the need to achieve it, then we free ourselves to allow the process to unfold…

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Videos & Transcript – Meditation: Surrender, There is a Divine Plan

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The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: October 28, 2017

Video and Transcript – Archangel Gabrielle Songs of Joy

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The Top 10 Characteristics of Higher Evolved Beings


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Everything in Balance – Part 1/5

Everything in Balance – Part 1/5

I’ve just had a reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, a scheduled reading, in which we discussed post-Reval and related matters a fair amount. The old paradigm is to play our cards close to our chest and not discuss our business strategy. The larger the enterprise, the more secretive we are. But that doesn’t […] click on picture for original Continue reading

What are Creation Codes and How do They Work? – Part 3/3

What are Creation Codes and How do They Work? – Part 3/3(Concluded from Part 2.) Unified Forces of the Outer Galaxies science officer Serenia discussed the creation codes in 2013. Her discussion is so relevant that I include it at length here. From “Albert Einstein and Science Officer Serenia address the universal grid and our collective oneness,” April 2, 2013, at http://counciloflove.com/2013/04/albert-einstein-and-science-officer-serenia-address-the-universal-grid-and-our-collective-oneness/. When last I have […] click on picture for original

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The Council – Now You See it. Now You Don´t.


Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8E8

the councilThe Council – Now You See It. Now You Don’t.

Let us, once again, revisit one of our favorite topics, and look at it from yet another perspective. We are going on a short journey in your imagination, your imagination being able to take us anywhere in creation.

Look at something in front of you. Get a good mental picture of it. Now close your mental eyes. Don’t close your physical eyes. You will need them open to keep reading.

Now, as you observe the mental picture of your object, get closer and closer to it. Keep going until you are almost touching it. Pick a spot and focus on it. Now make yourself smaller and watch the spot grow as you do. Keep getting smaller until you begin to see the molecules that make up the surface of the object. Keep going until you can see the spaces between the molecules. Good.

Now, pick a molecule, just one. And watch it as you get close enough and small enough to see the atoms that it is made of. Can you see that there is an unbelievable amount of space between the atoms? Can you see that they aren’t even standing still? Pick one. Pick an atom. It doesn’t matter what kind. And get so small that the atom grows until you can see what it is made of.

There are lots of teensy little bits that scientists have told you are “ons”- protons, neutrons, electrons, photons – there are all kinds. And these little bits – they look big from this angle – are whizzing around like crazy. Let’s do it again. Pick one of these little bits, chase it down and get close to it. Watch it closely and think of what you have been told about it.

They said that it is only material because we want to see it that way, right? If we want it to be a wave, it will be. Okay. So now we want it to be a wave. And as a wave this little guy is oscillating at a frequency. So, its energy, right? It’s energy because we want it to be. We wanted to see it that way.

What happens if we want to see it as a particle again? Does it stop being energy? Interesting thought. So, now it’s a particle, and with our magic it has become so big we can stand on it. Look around. What do we know about this place? Well, those scientists have said that the next particle is so far away we can’t see it from here.

But we cheated and brought our hobby telescope with us. And with this we can see other particles whizzing all about us. It looks like the night sky looks up where we live.

Now we will do what we came here to do. I want you to pick a particle that is part of that thing you looked at in front of you. And I want you to pick a particle that is not. Do you see the problem? First, they are all pretty much alike, at least all of the electrons look like electrons, etc. And besides, everything is so big, and there is so much space, that you can’t tell where one ‘thing’ starts and where it stops. From here, you can’t even tell what is it and what is you, can you?

Now notice something else that you can see from here that you cannot see from where you usually are. These little teensy guys are winking in and out of existence. They are all doing it. “I mean, hey! Stop that! You’re supposed to be part of my table.” This sort of upsets the apple cart, doesn’t it?

So let us summarize this little experiment in a new way. Reality, as you observe it, does not exist. The key here is the phrase ‘as you observe it’. Your observation of the energies around you are organized by you into a representation of your world. And we mean your world, not Jack’s world and not Susan’s world. And it is not solid nor in any way permanent. And this brings about a problem. It means that everything is changing, every moment, always. And we do not like that, do we?

Humans do not like that because we want things to remain as they are. If they don’t, if they can’t, then humans can’t either, can they? And that means that the fact that you can’t puts your own impermanence front and center. Forget that your favorite toy is not really yours, nor will it last forever.

But there is good news. You just saw that you are exactly the same as everything else. Right? Same particles. Same waves. Same energy. No difference. Period.

In fact, that same ‘stuff’ has been zipping along for billions of years. Sometimes it zips as part of a chair. Sometimes it zips as part of you. And you are you, regardless. Enough for now. Think on that. Thanks for going with us.


There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: http://ronahead.com/

Bilingual Diary/Tagebuch – Kapitel 13/Chapter 13


Did you embrace yourself already today? If not – please know that you are the most valuable person …….

Hast Du Dich heute schon umarmt? Wenn nicht – Erkenne, dass Du die wertvollste Perdon bist…….

Bilingual Diary/Tagebuch – Kapitel 13/Chapter 13

Untertitel : Das menschliche Herz

Subtitle :    The Human Heart

13 ) Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN8CU – dated October 19th, 2017

Bilingual Diary/Tagebuch  –  Introduction/Einführung : Shortlink: http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8q9


From the Message of Arcturian Collection – Oct.15th, 2017 by galaxygirl (whole script in footnotes of chapter 12)

We love you. We are eager to assist you with your transformation, your metamorphosis from where you are to all that you will become. Remember we are only guides, you are in the drivers seat. Where will you choose to go? It is all up to you. We know you can do it. Listen to the still small voice with in you, deep within your heart space, and you will find your true self. Remember the ancient truth, “Seek and ye shall find.” For surely it is very true.

Wir lieben Euch. Und wie gerne wollen wir Euch unterstützen bei Eurer Umwandlung, Eurer Verwandlung von wo Ihr auch immer herkommt bis zu dem, was Ihr sein werdet. Erinnert Euch, wir sind nur die führen und Ihr sitzt im Fahrersitz. In welche Richtung wollt Ihr fahren? Es liegt ganz bei Euch. Wir wissen. dass Ihr es tun könnt. Hört auf die kleine Stimme in Euch, ganz tief im Raum des Herzens und dort werdet Ihr Euer wahres Selbst finden. Erinnert Euch an die alte Wahrheit, “Suchet und Ihr werdet finden.” Denn das ist gewisslich wahr.



This excerpt I published as a bridge to the theme of chapter 12 Diesen Ausschnitt habe ich veröffentlicht als eine Brückenbildung zum Thema des 12. Kapitels.


Unser Herz –  Es ist eigentlich der bedeutendste Innenraum von uns Menschen. Alle Geschehnisse aus Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunft spielen sich hierin als erste menschliche Folge-Erscheinungen und Reaktionen ab und werden sich ebenfalls in der Nullpunkt-Zeit dort abspielen.

Steve Beckow just pointed in the Fussnoten of his recent Article “Everything is in Balance- Part 1/5 ” the Balance is the heart and the heart is your Self” (Shortlink:  http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Fc –   part 2/5 Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Ff)

Our Heart – it originally is the most important inner space of us humans, as all events of the Past.-  Presence – Future are herein displayed as their first human consequences and reaktions and likewise will displayed therein at the time of Zero-Point. 

Ich werde dieses Thema mit aller Vorsicht erörtern ob seiner Vielschichtigkei und Multidimensionalität.

I shall, with all caution, endeavour to treat this topic here because of its manfoldness and multidimensional nature.

Steve Beckow drückt das so aus in seinem Artikel über die Herzöffnungen (Vgl Fussnoten Shortlink: :http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Ah) :”Wir haben mehrere Herzen. Das physische Herz, das Herz-Chakra,Das Hohe Herz, das spirituelle Herz.” Ich spreche hier nur das spirituells Herz an.”….”We have several hearts. The physical heart, the heart chakra, the “high heart,” the spiritual heart, etc. I’m only speaking about the spiritual heart. “

In his article about the openings of the heart Steve Beckow expresses it in this way :(See Footnotes Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Ah) see above “We have several …..


Bevor wir uns tiefer mit dem Thema des menschlichen Herzens befassen, müssen wir etwas weiter ausholen in der Verangenheit und diesen Umweg machen, denn er dient als ein sog. Vorläufer für dieses Thema.

Before going deeper to deal here with our subject of the human heart we have to go back again into the past and follow a deviation as it really is a fore-runner of this subject.

Schalten wir zurück zum Nullpunkt der Zeit – eigentlich ist es der Punkt allein für sich.( .)

Now, let us switch off to the Zero-Point of Time – which originally is the pure point = the dot.( . )

( . )   Der Punkt als letztes Zeichen einer Linie bei Euklid ist auch der Punkt allen Anfangs überhaupt. Er ist der erste materielle Anfang.

( . )  The Point (Dot) as last sign of each line after Euklid is at the same time The Point(Dot) Of every beginning.

Daraus entwickelt sich der Nullpunkt mit seinen kleinen Raum in seiner Mitte. ( 0 )

From there the Zero-Point evolves with its small space in its centre.

Aus dem Nullpunkt ( 0 ) in der Dreidimensionalität (merkt Ihr etwas wir sind wieder in der Dualität) muss sich aus dem Nullpunkt der Schwerkraft der Erde folgend der Tropfen (unteres Teil der 8) entwickeln, wobei das untere Ende des Tropfens sich infolge der Schwerkraft  verdickt. 

As from the Zero-Point being the offspring in the three Dimensionality ( do you notice anything here, we have arrived again under the matrix of Duality) following the gravity of our planet the form of a drop must evolve (the bottom part of the eight (8)) whereby the bottom of the drop will get thicker and more voluminous than the top. This is another consequence of the gravity.

Dieser Urbildtropfen ist die geometrische Form für die Natur – z.B. als Blütenblätter, viele Blumen haben sich aus diesen Formen gebildet. Und  damit haben wir die Anfänge der heiligen Geometrie !

This drop is simultaneously the archetype of the drop and valid for a variety of forms in nature – e.g. leaves of blossoms and a great variety of flowers have been formed thereof.

And this is one of the beginning of the “SACRED GEOMETRY”

Da sind wir nun wieder bei dem Zeichen für Yaing und Yang angelangt.

Thus we have arrived again at the Symbol of Ying and Yang.

Schaut genau hin – hier sind es zwei gleichformige Tropfen, die gegeneinander liegend einen Kreis ausfüllen.

Look here very thoroughly – here we have two drops of equal form filling out a circle while laying against oneanother.

Diese beiden Tropfen nun – stellt euch jeden für sich vor – nebeneinander – und kehrt sie in Gedanken um, so dass sie mit der Spitze beide nach unten liegen – also nicht mehr der Schwerkraft folgend – Und schiebt sie weiter aufeinander zu, so dass die Spitzen der Tropfen übereinanderlappen, aber nur diese ! Und was haben wir jetzt da ? Die Urform des Herzens !

Imagine these two drops – each one for itself – side by side – and think that you turn now them both around so that their former tops are now at the bottom – not following any more the gravity of the earth – And now slide the two parts to each other so that the sharp edges of the now bottoms lap over eachother but only those. And what are we getting? The Archetype of a Heart !!!

Das war der Umweg, von dem ich weiter oben geschrieben habe. Es ist, wie es immer wieder so verlautet, alles miteinander verknüpft und verbunden. Ich weise in diesem Zusammenhang auch auf die Heavenletters hin, in denen Gott immer wieder auf seine enge Verbundenheit mit uns Menschen hinweist und seine grosse Liebe zu uns, die er immer wieder bezeugt.  (Heavenletter #6176 wherein He said: “.When you truly Love yourself, what difficulties can there be? When you love yourself, what greater Proof of Love could you have from anywhere? I ask you to claim your own Love. Your Name is deeply embedded in My Heart and My Love. Your Love and My Love are the One and the Same. You are Mine, as I am yours.” (Shortlink: http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8F4 )

11a) Essenzen der Liebe im Kreislauf des Lebens (deutsche Version)  Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN-5XV  . Ich habe ein längeres Werk über die Liebe geschrieben (Essenzen der Liebe/Essences of love), das unter der Introduction einer meiner letzten Projekte Flowers(Roses) of my Senior Age –  Introduction Shortlink:((http://wp.me/p2wHrN-7ZI unter 11) und 11a ) aufgelistet ist.

So this was the deviation of which I wrote above. And as it has been said again and again everything is being bound and connected to one another. In this connection I should refer also to the Heavenletters in which GOD repeatedly points out his close connection to us humans and his great Love to us which he demonstrates always anew. (Essences of Love in the Circle of Life (English Version) Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN-81Z) This is listed under (11) and 11a) of one of my recent projects Flowers(Roses) of my Senior Age – Introduction Shortlink . http://wp.me/p2wHrN-7ZI)

11.) Essences of Love in the Circle if Life – Shortlink :http://wp.me/p2wHrN-81Z

11a) Essenzen der Liebe im Kreislauf des Lebens (deutsche Version)  Shortlink : http://wp.me/p2wHrN-5XV

und hierunter schlagt bitte die deutschen und englischen Heavenletters von Gott auf, es sind reine “Liebeserklärungen”. Auch dort spricht er unsere Herzen an.

Es wird sehr viel in den Botschaften der Erzengel von der Wichtigkeit der menschichen Herzen gesprochen und die Öffnung des Herzen als eine grundlegende Vorbedingung für den Aufstieg des Menschen zusammen mit der Erde Gaia in höhere Dimensionen betont.  Bitte lest anhand der Links unter den Fussnoten die Artikel nach, die dort verzeichnet sind.

And thereunder please read German and the English Heavenletters of GOD which are pure exclamations of his Love. There also he speaks to our hearts.

In the messages of the Archangels so much is mentioned and expressed about the importance of our human hearts and it is always stressed that the expansion and opening of our hearts are one of the basic pre-requisites for the human ascension together with Gaia our planet into higher dimensions. Please read via the links the articles posted here under the footnotes.

So, das war der Umweg in die Vergangenheit, von dem ich weiter oben gesprochen habe, was aber als Vorläufer für den weitgefassten Aufgabenbereich des menschlichen Herzens absolut notwendig war.

After this deviation into the past I mentioned above it was absolutely essential to know something about the fore-runner of human hearts with its expansive realm of tasks.

Ich denke, für dieses Kapitel ist es nun genug, was ich Euch als sog. “Seelenfutter” dargereicht habe. Wir werden im nächsten Kapitel dann über die Herzkammer sprechen, die bereits in den Zwanziger Jahres des vorigen Jahrhunderts entdeckt aber bislang mehr oder weniger “totgeschwiegen ” wurde – jedenfalls nicht für die breite Öffentlichkeit publiziert wurde.

Fortsetzung folgt in Kapitel 14…..

I am under the impression it is now enough what I offered you today as precious “Soulfudder”. In the next coming chapter we shall speak of our hearts´ hidden secret chamber which was already discovered by scientists in the 20er Years of the recent century but more or less been silenced at least regarding mass publication.

…to be continued in Chapter 14…

golden heart jpg

Message from the Arcturian Collective for October 15, 2017 See Footnote Chapter 12

Zitate :

We love you. We are eager to assist you with your transformation, your metamorphosis from where you are to all that you will become. Remember we are only guides, you are in the drivers seat. Where will you choose to go? It is all up to you. We know you can do it. Listen to the still small voice with in you, deep within your heart space, and you will find your true self. Remember the ancient truth, “Seek and ye shall find.” For surely it is very true.”

On Heart Openings by Steve Beckow – Shortlink :http://wp.me/p2wHrN-8Ah

AAMichael on Heart Openings – Part 1/2  –  Shortlink :  http://wp.me/p2wHrN-6cK

What are Creation Codes and How do They Work? -Part 1/3

What are Creation Codes and How do They Work? – Part 1/3As the Federation of Light reminded us through Blossom Goodchild, “everything upon your Planet has coding. Your planet is ‘run’ by codes … should we say.” (1) What is coding? The Federation explains: Federation: Codes are a sequence of numbers. Blossom: I am seeing an image like that at the beginning of The Matrix movie.’ […] click on picture for original

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Sandra Walter: Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective Timelines

Sandra Walter: Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective TimelinesBlessings Beloved Light Tribe Our next acceleration and collective timeline choice-point arrives October 21-25. Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very strong on Mount Shasta last evening), and this morning the SUN began to get active, right on schedule. As mentioned in last week’s article, these incoming amplifications hit much higher levels during the 21-25 […] click on picture for original

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Brenda Hofman – You crowned yourself

You Crowned Yourself

October 16, 2017

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of Brenda’s October 13, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: In 3D, you moved through the chaos with physical activities such as helping others remove debris, financial support, legal efforts, protests, sheltering, etc. Your energy waves are now shifting earth in ways not imaginable before your transition. Any activity or thought in joy helps all beings and the earth. Shoulds, have to’s, and guilt reinforces 3D life. 

“Inner and Outer Rewards” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Go inside your being to determine who and what you are. Of course, such a command seems silly for you know who you are. Or do you? It is time to determine what is important to you beyond the 3D pieces of home, family, and country.

You are global ambassadors not merely community do-gooders. Some of you will take offense at such a statement, even though you have no difficulty proclaiming that you are one with all.

It is time for you to acknowledge and proclaim your global role.

You have played the small 3D role despite proclamations from us and other channeled sources that you are god/goddesses. Such was, if you will, allowed until now. For you are moving into a phase far beyond anything you imagined when you initiated your new you transition.

You dreamed you could create that which would make you more comfortable in your 3D world – perhaps a new home or relationship. Enough to proclaim you were a creator, but not enough to remove you from your comfort zone.

Such is not to be. Granted you are fully capable of creating that which makes you joyful in your current life, but that is a small part of what you wish to achieve in this lifetime.

You learned that you are to change the world. You learned that such would be easy, that you could protest if you wish, but that you could also change the world with a joyful walk in nature.

It is time for you to move beyond your small 3D life to global achievements. Perhaps such a statement frightens you for you have no idea what that means. Are you to travel throughout the globe? Give up your comforts? Demand new political divisions? No. You are merely required – and required is the correct word – to go within to discover what your aspect, your piece of this new Universal creation is.

What gives you joy? That is your magnifying glass to your new creations. For indeed, you are beyond your tiny 3D life.

You did not move through the phases you have transitioned through, including your earth entrances, to create a new home or relationship. Such creations are not wrong – merely limited. A bit like labeling the reading of a first-grade book an achievement after graduating from college with the highest honors.

Most of you are angry for you have not yet created that home or relationship. Such is so because you believe that doing so will be the height of your creative abilities instead of merely a small step.

You continue the 3D belief that you are limited and small. Neither of which is true.

Even though you never were limited or small, you created those beliefs to contain your Universal abilities when of the earth. In the times beyond earth, you honed your creative skills so that you could truthfully label yourselves god/goddesses of the highest degree.

So it is you now feel bored, trapped, listless, and perhaps tired. Not because you are fully using your skills, but because you have not yet dared to do so.

You are now crying out that you would if you could but whatever you do, including finding and following your joy, seems to be more of the same. So it is. For you are ‘ramped up’ to create a new world, and yet you allow your 3D beliefs to limit even your ‘first-grade’ creations to be out there somewhere, sometime in the future.

Stop worrying about doing it right. Stop worrying about showing off. Stop worrying about those who do not seem to be at the same place as you. You are a forerunner. There is not anything you cannot achieve if you wish.

Now is the time to claim that fame, that honor, that New Earth and new life that is yours and yours alone.

You are a forerunner so you will not function as most of your peers – and most definitely not as those fully enmeshed in 3D thought and action. You are different. Most of all, allow that to be acceptable for you.

Follow your joy knowing that your current joy is likely much smaller than your new totality.

It is as if you are one of those movie beings like mild-mannered Clark Kent. Even though you seem to wish to remain a Clark Kent, your role is that of Superman or Superwoman.

Such thoughts frighten you for your brain is producing competing messages. Your 3D you is telling you to fit in, to be as normal as possible. Your 5D or beyond brain is telling you to fly. And so you will once you dare.

This is indeed one of those ‘double-dare’ messages from your childhood. All of you are extremely adventuresome and courageous. It is time to fully claim that courage knowing that you are not like most other beings. That you have a role far more important than being pleasant to your neighbors or angry at a politician.

You are different from others – just as you meant to be when you initiated training for your current role. In Universal terms, you are far more advanced than you now know.

It is time for you to go within to discover the training and difficulties you completed to be of the earth during this transition.

You are the bravest and most skilled of the brave and skilled. Allow yourself to know that. Then, go within to discover your true focus. The focus that is beyond 3D comfort.

Perhaps you are now worried that you will be forced to live in a cave or otherwise separate from your 3D comforts as was likely true for you during past lifetimes in preparation for this lifetime. You no longer have to choose between 3D comforts and 5D or beyond interactions. Instead, your new life encompasses 3D comforts plus 5D or beyond living.

So it is that it is time for you to stop blinding yourself to your new reality – creator king or queen of the earth and therefore, the Universes – that you are. So be it. Amen.

http://www. LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www. LifeTapestryCreations.com.