Humanity’s Timeline ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the foresight to determine what is best for the human race in the long run, and we can give you messages and transmissions that will put you in a vibration that is more likely to influence you onto a particular timeline. You still have the free will to decide for yourselves what you are going to do, how you are going to vibrate, and which timeline you will ultimately choose.

We love you and want what is best for you, and so we look at all of the variables in determining what is best for you to know and what energies are best for you to have access to. Now, you can do the same for yourselves, and this is what we want to encourage you to do.

It is more challenging for…

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What Dream Is This You Live Within? | Heavenletters

Rainbow Wave of Light


God said:

Beloved, if you could physically see the emanations of your Soul, you would see such Bright Light modeled after the Sun, or, perhaps, such Bright Light that is modeled after you! In any case, you would be dazzled beyond belief at the wealth of Bright Light that emanates from within you.

You would be one big smile from stem to stern. Earth life seems to be known commonly as physical. Herein lies your Soul’s Destiny – it has no boundaries. Of course, your Soul, the integral Soul of you, exists beyond the physical world. The physical world may be referred to as the mere physical.

Can the physical be put aside the way it appears to in the occurrence universally referred to as death? You may wonder what happens to your DNA. It seems that Soul has always been here and there and elsewhere, seemingly far away, yet…

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Fall Equinox 2018 Class ~ Living a More Magickal Life with Laura Bruno & Tania Marie

Tania Marie

Laura and I are excited to announce the official date and details of our upcoming joint class to be offered here in Lake Tahoe, Nevada this Fall. So, yes, in fact the Faery twins will be collaborating to bring you what is sure to be a potent and fun experience because that’s what Faeries do!

After some more tuning in, we came to the conclusion that a date change was in order, both in the time she and I would be sharing together and for this offering. Due to unpredictable weather in November that could make this gathering challenged, or even impossible, for out-of-towners and Laura to travel in to join, and after realizing some other potent potentials, we will now be offering this in September on the Fall Equinox.

This aligns for a full circle connection for the two of us, as two years ago we gathered at this…

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Bild: pixabuy

Die Engel helfen Dir, deine wahren Gedanken und Gefühle frei und liebevoll zum Ausdruck zum bringen. Vielleicht fühlst Du Dich momentan in Deinen Lebensbedingungen gefangen. Wenn Du diese Karte ziehst, bitten die Engel Dich zu erkennen, dass Du selbst der einzige Gefängniswärter bist, der jemals in seinem Leben auftauchen wird. Wann immer Dir klar wird, dass Du die Macht hast, frei zu sein, wird Freiheit die Folge sein. Alles, was Du in Deinem Leben tust, tust Du freiwillig, und Du hast jederzeit die Freiheit, eine neue Wahl zu treffen. Selbst Gefangene haben die Freiheit, Gedanken zu bestimmen, und können auf diese Weise unter allen Bedingungen Frieden und Glück empfinden. Wenn Du das nächste Mal einen Satz mit den Worten beginnst: Ich muss…, dann halte sofort inne. Bitte Gott und die Engel, Dir Alternativen zu zeigen. Die himmlischen Mächte werden Dir dann entweder helfen, die vor Dir liegende Aufgabe…

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Message from the Pleiadian Collective, Ashtar, Sananda for April 29, 2018

Rainbow Wave of Light

NewEarth180429Pleiadian Collective

Greetings and warm hellos to humanity this day, this precious now moment. We are the Pleiadian Collective, summoned here today to speak with you on behalf of the others. Our message is one of light, of peace, of unity consciousness and of renewal. For much is happening in the hidden recesses of your world that need not be mentioned at this time, for they are disturbing and must remain in secret for awhile. We are here in full force and in our full support of humanity, shielding you, protecting and guiding when asked. We are polite and only assist when asked for we much respect and acknowledge and uphold / honor your free well as a species, for this is of utmost importance.

We respect your freedom, while others have not, and thus, the quandary. For free will is a tricky thing, it is precious but when it…

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Der Event – Teil 4 – Erwachen und erkennen – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Die Energien der letzten Tage und Wochen haben sich sehr stark verändert. Im Herzen der Menschen beginnt sich etwas zu verändern. Die einen spüren dies schon seit einiger Zeit. Andere spüren dies erst seit die Tore des Himmels geöffnet wurden und die Erde mit der Energie der Liebe flutet. Was ist der Himmel und welche […]

über Der Event – Teil 4 – Erwachen und erkennen – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

The Event – Part 4 – Awakening and Recognizing – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

The energies of the last days and weeks have changed a lot. Something is beginning to change in people’s hearts. Some have felt this for some time. Others feel this only since the gates of heaven were opened and the earth was flooded with the energy of love. What is heaven and what gates have […]

über The Event – Part 4 – Awakening and Recognizing – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Breaking Free from Programming ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are breaking free from the chains that you placed upon yourselves before incarnating in this lifetime. You had to have these chains in place until you were ready to bring yourselves to the fifth dimensional frequency range.

You knew that there were certain experiences that you had to have this lifetime to set yourselves up for the full integration of all aspects of who you are and who you have been, and now that you have lived those experiences you have much more freedom than you have ever had in any Earthly lifetime.

The chains are no longer there, but the programming still is. Part of why you knew that you would be able to limit yourselves in the ways that you have has been due to the programming that was in place before…

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Catch On, My Matey, Catch On! | Heavenletters

Rainbow Wave of Light


God said:

Beloved, who can point a precise finger to life and the powers life engenders? Life appears relative all right, yet life is not designed nor actually created from the relative world of Earth. Yes, concrete transportation, for instance, appears in the relative world. Creation manifests in the relative world, yet Creation surpasses the manifest world. We speak of two roundabout dimensions; the Heaven dimension, shall We say, as Mine and the mundane world, we shall say, as yours to dance on. Of course, I don’t separate these two worlds, although they may seem to appear at loggerheads.

O Divine Children, O Divine Apparent World and Sparkling Divine Heavenland that We all share, whether this is realized or not, the thing is that together, you and I, exist in plain sight as well as out of plain sight. Existence exists any way you slice it.

What multi-dimensional worlds We…

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Tap-Dance Your Way Through Life | Heavenletters

Rainbow Wave of Light


God said:

Beloved Sojourner on Earth, do you feel something is missing in your day to day life, or perhaps something is blocked? You might desire a pause from life. You do not know exactly what happened or didn’t happen to you.

If you could go to a deserted island for even a weekend and get away from it all or perhaps to a rustic cabin in the woods, off to the side of life and let your life figure itself out without interference from you, this would ease your heart. If there were a way to loosen your grip on life, you would gladly. You would paddle your own canoe or your own little kayak, so you fantasize.

There are times when it feels like it’s too much for you to keep trying to catch up to life. It’s like when somehow you fall behind in keeping up with…

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Conscious Evolution ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are putting an emphasis on the evolution of your consciousness. Now, this is something that happens naturally, without any intervention on your part. But when you put an emphasis on it, you are doing more good than you know. You are choosing to live in a reality where the emphasis on the evolution of consciousness is something that is an invitation that is being offered to all beings.

You can live in whatever reality you want to live in, and where you put your emphasis determines which reality you will find yourselves in. From your perspective, there are more and more people waking up all the time, and this is something that we have stated on numerous occasions. However, what is actually happening is you are shifting to realities where more and more people…

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Please Give Me You, God | Heavenletters

Rainbow Wave of Light


God said:

Beloved, you desire Me and inner peace with all your might. Yet, again and again, you find yourself sheathed in tension, you, dear one, who calls out for peace. You would give anything for the peace of God. It doesn’t seem to matter how much you desire and defend peace. You cry out that you may have somehow chased the peace of Oneness away, yet how can it be that you could put your hand in Mine and alight on separateness? I bless your hand.

You may say to yourself often enough:

“What on Earth is the matter with me? I desire the Peace of God, yet why do I not receive Your Peace? I seek You, God, and You alone. I want You, God. It’s You I crave.”

“If loneliness from You is something I bring on myself, what do I do to others? What rashes within…

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The Arcturians Deliberate ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of deliberation. We are deliberating amongst ourselves because we still have a variety of perspectives, even though we operate as a collective unit. Our deliberation is on the effectiveness of telling you something, rather than asking you to discover within yourselves what is true. We know that you like hearing from us, but we do not want to supersede your own wisdom, you own guidance.

We want you to test everything that we transmit against what feels right and true for you as an individual. Every single one of you receives internal communication. Regardless of how blocked you think you are, you are able to discern truth within yourselves. Some of us would rather just encourage you to find that truth within yourselves. Others of us find tremendous value in…

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Spring Flowers and Quick Reminders

Laura Bruno's Blog

Spring has finally sprung in Kalamazoo! Before I get to the photos from our yard, I have two quick reminders:

  1. Half-hour radio interview at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (same as NYC). You can listen to that broadcast live by clicking here at 1:30 p.m. Topics will likely include common patterns I see in Medical Intuitive sessions, especially with Lyme clients, and I’m not sure what else. Their preliminary questions held lots of potential for interesting discussion, so I’m curious how the interview will unfold.
  2. Just three more days for April 2018 Specials. I will not be renewing these two specials into May, so if you’d like either or both of them, please make sure to sign up on or before April 30th. Details here.

And now for some flower power! Although camera shy, the bees are happy in our yard:


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Bild: pixabuy

Vor Dir liegt eine Zeit größerer Ruhe und tiefen inneren Friedens. Inneren Frieden zu haben, bedeutet, sich sicher zu fühlen und zu wissen, dass immer alles zu uns kommt, was wir brauchen. Selbst wenn Dein logischer Verstand nicht die geringste Ahnung hat, wie eine Herausforderung gemeistert werden kann, bedeutet innerer Frieden, dass Du darauf vertraust, dass Gott eine wundersame Lösung bereitstellen wird. Diese Art des Vertrauens ist immer empfehlenswert, denn Vertrauen ist ein Schlüsselelement im Zusammenkommen solcher Wunder.  Wenn Du diese Karte ziehst, versichern Dir die Engel, dass Du inneren Frieden in Dir trägst. Du kannst gelassen sein, selbst mitten im größten Tumult. Es wäre ein Fehler zu denken, dass Du warten musst, bis alle Probleme gelöst sind, bevor Du glücklich und in Frieden leben kannst. In Wahrheit ist das Gegenteil der Fall. Zuerst arbeitest Du darauf hin, inneren Frieden zu erlangen und dann werden die Herausforderungen in…

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Your Memories ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

If you can remember something that has occurred in your life, then that memory is impacting your now moment in some way. When memories come up from this lifetime, you have many options available to you. None of these options is better than any of the others.

You can decide in the moment that the memory is irrelevant and let it go. You can smile and remember the moment fondly, or as fondly as you can, and then move on. You can look at the memory from a new and different perspective, one that serves you much more in the present moment. You can see the memory as an experience, and therefore, as something that has served you very well.

You do not need to be a product of your past or your memories. You…

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