REV Christine Meleriessee – New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light   –   The Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities – 10-30-17

Higher Density Blog

New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda Green

Adama of Telos

New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light

The New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light was formed under the direction of Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, the Telosian Council of Light, along with a Team of Light which comprises a host of Ascended Masters & Christed Light Beings to connect with the Light Workers of Planet Earth to assist each of them and GAIA in her Ascension Mastery process. Since 2015 this included the entire Christed Inner Earth / Hollow Earth Community of the Agarthan Network. The collective of the representatives (The Agarthan Council) of the Capital Cities stepped forward to be officially recognised under the Unified Whole Alliance in August of 2017.

There are 22 Golden Etheric Cities across the earth. These cities are still being enhanced and are in existence to prepare GAIA to become TERRA CHRISTA (her Higher Self).  Just as importantly they are here to assist you as well. You may travel to each…

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The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha – By Dr Joshua David Stone – by The New Earth .org – 10-31-17 – A Journey Into Hollow Earth –

Higher Density Blog


Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!
By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose civilization’s name is known as “Aghartha”. This may be hard for some of you to believe. I know it was for me at first, however, I now have an absolute knowingness of the truth of this.

To begin with, the Buddhists, in their theology fervently believe in its existence. They believe it to be a race of super men and women who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. They also believe that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, and their capital is Shamballa. The Master of this world was believed to have given orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who was his terrestrial representative…

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ADAMA of Telos, via ASARA – ENERGY UPDATE – THE NEW EARTH – 10-23-17 – by Ashtar Command Crew – by Amaparo Alvarez

Higher Density Blog


“Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Holding the vision of the New Earth:

Humanity is experiencing the greatest transformation in the history of planet Earth.

This can cause for many experiences to intensify for you.

It is most important for you to continue to choose, which reality you wish to create.

Choose the thoughts that are filled with love, joy, upliftment and wellbeing.

Choose to engage with information that is filled with love, joy, upliftment and wellbeing.

Choose to speak of that which is filled with love, joy, upliftment and wellbeing.

Take action that is filled with love, joy, upliftment and wellbeing.

Hold the vision of love, joy, upliftment and wellbeing.

You have the choice every moment of your life what you wish to give your energy to.

You are the creator…

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THE ARCTURIANS via Suzanne Lie – Constant Connection with Your Higher SELF – 10-16-17

Higher Density Blog

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie


Constant Connection with Your Higher SELF

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

As time begins, and continues, to collapse, the concept of remembering is gradually replaced with the concept of KNOWING. At first “knowing” feels similar to remembering, but you increasingly realize that remembering had doubt, whereas knowing IS.

In other words, when you KNOW, you are free of all doubt.

Being free of doubt is challenging as there is nowhere to hide, and you are completely vulnerable and in the daily process of full disclosure of all that you have blocked from your awareness so far.

This freedom from doubt is amazingly liberating. Most of you have had no idea how much doubt has interfered in your life, as you had never lived without it. Freedom from doubt allows you to progress deeper and deeper into the NOW of “knowing.”

“Remembering” is a…

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LISA TRANSCENDENCE BROWN – We’ve Moved into Exponentially Increasing Photon/Bio-Photon Activity (Permanently) – New Chakras Inside – Diamond Laser Frequencies – The Veils are Gone – 10-28-17

Higher Density Blog



10/23/17: Charging photons and how photons behave now dictate how our realities correlate as well. This increasing photonic activity moves us all into more Quantum Existence than ever before. Photons move us all out of linear and more into “ping-pong effect” realities… where particle matter and light behave differently than old linear did. This increase in photonic activity, by way of Cosmic “Disturbance” and Cosmic Atmospheres and Cosmic/Galactic dimensions opening up as we move into these vibrational realities more will “change” our realities in ways that are even more “different” than before.

For us who function Quantum, as Photonic Light, as Vibrational BEings, this makes everything much easier, yet for the human aspect that functions linearly, this increases polarity, increases confusion, increases “loss of control”, increases physical body things, increases fear/survival programming, increases “collapse” (which is just a part of the re-structuring process that occurs, yet…

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HH Shellie L Robinson – EARTH GRIDS, PORTALS TO 5D, NEW EARTH VORTEXES – by Galactic Connection – 10-24-15

Higher Density Blog




There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth. Where this Grid crosses are major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect the Inner Earth and Earth to other dimensional worlds, Stars and Planets in the Galaxy, Solar System and Beyond. The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and at the portals links the Earth to the Stars and Universe to have harmony with our neighbours in space. Just us when the meridians are free and flowing and so we are in good health within our body and with other beings, so to with the Grids in the Earth. The Ancients…

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SOLUNTRA KING – Earth Grids and Portals – Gateways of Light and Unity – 10-20-17 – by The Event Chronicle

Higher Density Blog

The Three Grids

There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth.

By Soluntra King


Where this Grid crosses are major portals, vortexes and dimensional doorways that connect the Inner Earth and Earth to:

  • Other dimensional worlds
  • Stars and Planets in the Galaxy
  • Solar System and Beyond

The Crystalline Grid keeps harmony within the Earth plane and at the portals links the Earth to the Stars and Universe to have harmony with our neighbors in space. Just us when the meridians are free and flowing and so we are in good health within our body and with other beings, so to with the Grids in the Earth. The Ancients were aware of this and so constructed Pyramids, Temples, Standing Stones, Stone Circles to align this energy with…

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JULIE ALEXANDER @ In5D – I Am A Soul In A Human Space Suit – 10-31-17

Higher Density Blog


by Julie Alexander,   Guest writer,

I am a soul in a human space suit. We all are.

I will not die when my body is no more, my soul will continue, as will everyone else’s. We are here to experience this density, this reality; we are all on a journey an adventure.


We all have our own destinies. Some of us will wake up to reality, some of us will not.

I am awake; my soul is here to help, along with many other souls. We are here to help save humanity from the darkness that has descended on us all. We are here to help those that want to wake up. We are here to help those who do not want to wake up.

We are all one. If we hurt others, we hurt ourselves. If we judge others we are judging ourselves.


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Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The Triple Gateway Initiation, the Time Capsule Awakening and Stepping into Your New Soul Mission

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The Triple Gateway Initiation, the Time Capsule Awakening and Stepping into Your New Soul MissionBeloved Light Family, the shifts and transformations on your Earth continue to accelerate. There is much confusion and uncertainty as the old systems begin to fail and break down and the new begins to emerge into manifestation. At this stage, the collapse of the old may seem more evident than the rise of the new, […] click on picture for original

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To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science

To the Stars Academy of Arts & ScienceThanks to Rob for the video that follows. He describes it as “soft disclosure.” It mentions the fact that we may not be alone twice and opens the door to challenging the prevailing scientific paradigm of empirical materialism. (1) That paradigm is a shoe that hasn’t fit since Copernicus. I’m not a scientific type, but, […] click on picture for original

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Archangel Michael on the Use of the Universal Law

Archangel Michael on the Use of the Universal LawsI’ve been invoking and studying the universal laws and wanted to know from Archangel Michael if I was using them correctly. His answer is informative. Thanks to Linda for our reading and Dana for our transcript. From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 18, 2017. Steve Beckow: Is […] click on üicture for original

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Suzanne Lie: 7 Days for Me and my Self

Suzanne Lie: 7 Days for ME and my SELF7 Days for ME and my SELF Through OUR Higher SELF Suzanne Lie, Oct. 30, 2017 Dear Higher, Multidimensional SELF, We are beginning to remember how to hold more than one reality in our minds at a time, but often we can only do it while our 3D self is meditating or being creative. […] click on picture for original

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November 2017 Specials

Laura Bruno's Blog

(You can find October 2017 Specials here.)


By popular request, this month brings back $44 tarot readings. The second November Special stems from the first. Although the cards can sometimes provide very general information about health, they’re no substitute for a Medical Intuitive Reading, which uses an entirely different process on my end. I love tarot, but it does not lend itself to every type of question. Since so many people request medical intuitive support, I decided to run a second November Special just for that. Please read each description, so you can determine which special makes sense for you at this time.

$44 Tarot Readings

Half hour tarot readings at 20% off the usual rate. Tarot readings offer an energetic check-in, the chance to ask questions about pending decisions or intentions, and represent a fun, yet powerful way to gain perspective on relationships and challenges.

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The brain vs. consciousness: the real debate and the phony debate | Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Rainbow Wave of Light


The brain vs. consciousness: the phony debate and the real debate

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2017

I continue to write about this subject, because the answers are shaping our present and future in huge ways.

Nearly all brain researchers insist that consciousness arises from the functions of the brain.

These researchers concede they don’t know HOW consciousness arises—but “they’re getting there.” They’re making progress. This is their story and they’re sticking to it.

If they have their way, the educated class will agree with them, evidence or no evidence.

Since “consciousness is the result of brain activity and nothing else,” since consciousness is ultimately a matter of physics, neuroscience will reign supreme—manipulating brain changes to achieve certain “values” and political goals.

We are talking about an engineered society at the level of the brain. Brave New World.

For these researchers, that is the final frontier.

But suppose all their…

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We Have Opened a Portal ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have opened a gateway, a portal, that will allow more energy to flow directly to your heart chakras. This gateway has been opened previously, however, on this particular occasion, we have opened it wider than it has ever been opened before, and we are doing this because of the increasing importance that we can perceive for all of you to be heart-centered and to allow more love to flow through you.

You have taken yourselves to a place in your evolution where your consciousness continues to expand, and that experience is particularly exciting for your minds. The heart is the part of you that needs to keep up with the expansion of consciousness that is occurring. The more you know about yourselves, about your fellow humans, about the extra-terrestrials that are around, the more…

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Halloween und Samhain


Guten Morgen allerseits 🙂


Heute ist Halloween 🙂

Die Ursprünge von Halloween liegen im christlichen All Hallows Eve,

dem alten Feiertag: Allerheiligen.

Vermutlich liegt der Samen für Halloween im keltischen Fest Samhain verborgen

Halloween ist das Fest der Geister.

Im Land der Kelten feiern die Iren und Schotten ihr Samhain.

Samhain bedeutet Summers End, also das Ende des Sommers.

Samhain ist das Silvester der Kelten!

Der November bringt einige Feiertage mit sie, wie z.B. Allerheiligen, Allerseelen, Totensonntag usw.halloween-ghost-979239_640

Der November symbolisiert für viele die Dunkelheit, trübe, nebelig, mitunter trostlos….

Die Natur legt sich schlafen…

Der Schleier zur Anderswelt wird dünner, die Tore der Welt weit geöffnet

Geist spirit-579807_640

und in diesen Zwischenräumen von alt und neu ist alles möglich.

Die Ahnen werden geehrt!

Doch Samhain hat auch noch eine andere Bedeutung:

Es ist die Nacht der heiligen Hochzeit! (die Große Erdmutter und der jeweilige Herrscher)

Video oben incl. der Geschichte des irischen…

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Just for You – and Everyone | Heavenletters

Rainbow Wave of Light


God said:

You don’t know what I am going to do next, do you? By the same token, much of your Life is revealed to you how and when it is revealed. You find out Life as you live it. There is no rule that requires that the progress of your Life, in the long run or day-to-day, is laid out. It’s okay to find yourself drawn to something here and there.

You may also be someone who loves to plan a week’s menu, or you always eat oatmeal on Friday mornings. Life also holds choices and change, and you also change your mind. And, oh, yes, Life holds surprises, and surprises can be welcome guests. Life can be fluid and not so hard and fast as you may think.

Not even for the Creation of Life on Earth, did I write out a master plan. Desires are seeds planted…

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Bild: pixabuy

Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt ist Meditation sehr wichtig für Dich. Mache Dir die Freude und meditiere häufig. Einem ruhigen Geist fällt es wesentlich leichter, die Stimme der Engel zu hören. Mit dieser Karte bitten Dich Deine Engel, Deinen Geist still werden zu lassen, damit Deine Kommunikation mit den Engeln laut und deutlich wird. Wenn Du morgens aufwachst, halte Deine Augen noch mindestens fünf Minuten lang geschlossen und atme drei- oder viermal tief ein und aus. Stelle Deinen Engeln eine Frage und höre aufmerksam zu, als würdest Du einem lieben Freund lauschen. Strenge Dich dabei nicht an, denn wenn Du nach der Antwort jagst, wird sie sich Dir entziehen. Atme stattdessen weiterhin tief ein und aus und gestatte Dir, Dich völlig zu entspannen. Sage Dir selbst, dass es ganz natürlich ist, himmlische Botschaften zu empfangen, und dass es sich dabei tatsächlich um eine alltägliche Begebenheit handelt. Je mehr Du Deinen…

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Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson: Celebration of Your Inner Truth

Celestial White Beings via Natalie Glasson: Celebration of Your Inner TruthAudio version. Video version. Greeting magnificent beings of light, we love you deeply, we are one with you and are walking your pathway with you. We wish to celebrate your truth with you and encourage you to celebrate the sacred love, peace and light within you. Your light is so much stronger, potent and powerful […] click on picture for original

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The Nature of the Soul or Self – Part 2/2


The Nature of the Soul or Self – Part 2/2(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) We heard the Divine Mother call the penultimate Reality – the soul – “the essence of One.” (1) On another occasion, she told us: “You did not start out in form. You simply started out as a spark of light, of love, and then the adventure began.” (2) Archangel Michael […] click on picture for original

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