Das Universum ist nie gegen dich – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Das Universum und alle dazugehörigen Energien sind hierfür da, um auf allen Ebenen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse zu schaffen. Das Universum erlebt sich durch uns und das Universum hat ein Interesse, dass wir dies in allem, was wir tun anerkennen und unterstützen. Wenn es mal für dich nicht rund läuft, frage dich nicht wer dir dies […]

Das Universum ist nie gegen dich – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

The universe is never against you – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

The universe and all its energies are there to create experience and knowledge on all levels. The universe experiences itself through us and the universe has an interest that we acknowledge and support this in everything we do. If things don’t go smoothly for you, don’t ask yourself who did this to you, because the […]

The universe is never against you – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

The law of resonance – A playground for learning – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann


The law of resonance is a powerful tool to enhance our soul growth. The law takes place in our daily life and learning every day and challenges us according to the situation. I would like to share with you what Spirit instructed me to do when I myself went through a process of realization. The […]

über The law of resonance – A playground for learning – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Das Gesetz der Resonanz – Ein Spielplatz zum Lernen – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann


Das Gesetz der Resonanz ist ein mächtiges Hilfsmittel für unser Seelenwachstum zu fördern. Das Gesetz findet in unserem täglichen Leben und Lernen jeden Tag statt und fordert uns je nach Situation heraus. Gerne will ich euch vermitteln, was mir Spirit aufgetragen hat, als ich selbst durch einen Prozess der Erkenntnis gegangen bin. Das Beispiel soll […]

über Das Gesetz der Resonanz – Ein Spielplatz zum Lernen – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Consciousness creates peace – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann


In the last weeks a lot of clarification and healing work had been possible in my community and with me. In this context I was repeatedly confronted with the sentence: „Consciousness creates peace“ confronted. Sure, there is a book title by Christina von Dreien which is called that and it can be no coincidence that […]

über Consciousness creates peace – the cosmic messenger pigeon — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Bewusstsein schafft Frieden – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann


In den letzten Wochen waren sehr viel Klärungs- und Heilungsarbeiten in meinem Umfeld und bei mir möglich gewesen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde immer ich wieder mit dem Satz: «Bewusstsein schafft Frieden» konfrontiert. Klar, es gibt einen Buchtitel von Christina von Dreien, welcher sich so nennt und es kann aber muss kein Zufall sein, dass es […]

über Bewusstsein schafft Frieden – die kosmische Brieftaube — …wo das Herz erwachen kann

Energetic Upgrades for Selected Hue-manity Groups are in Process


gaia_energy1Energetic upgrades for selected Hue-manity groups are in process at this moment.

This is in addition to general consciousness upgrades occurring in all of Gala’s inhabitants.

Fracturing and dissolution of outdated low frequency paradigms has allowed this step.

“Selected Hue-manity groups” includes many continuing to set directions from energetic levels not yet suited for Gaia whole, and primarily addresses vibrational dis-harmonies.

Interests of all Gaia inhabitants are honored at this time.

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Sensational Illuminations Flow from All Gaia Ascension Portals


gaia_energy1Sensational Illuminations are flowing from all Gaia Ascension portals after recent energetic uplifts. Such may be “sensed” by stepping into Higher Clarity Sensories.

“Sensational” refers to the grand awakening moment of humanity, already preceded by Hue-manity.

Prior acts of Light caregivers are manifesting results required for complete Ascension of all beings on Gaia, along with Gaia.

The phrase, “Sparks are flying” (“Sparkles are flying”), is most applicable at this now moment.

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The Return of Bliss

Illuminations Now!!

Michael 23I can say that Archangel Michael fulfilled his promise to me today. What was his promise?

Archangel Michael: Come back to the bliss.

Steve: Oh, I’d love to! I’ve been looking for it under my pillow, here, there, and everywhere and I haven’t been able to reach it again.

AAM: You are allowing – and I do not say this in a way of criticism – you are allowing yourself to be distracted.

Steve: Really? (1)

AAM: Yes. So what we are encouraging you to do is to let go.

Let go of the feeling that there is pressure to complete. Let go of your angst about events. Let go of feeling that you have put yourself – because you have not – we have put you somewhat in the limelight. (2) Let go of the feeling of “I’m alone on this planet and…

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The Big Thaw, the Great Fulfillment

Illuminations Now!!

Sacred 11I’d like to draw two threads together.

You remember years ago we talked about how cognitive dissonance leads to paradigmatic breakthrough?

The creative chaos transpiring at the moment is that cognitive dissonance. The paradigmatic breakthrough at the moment is the miracles that are happening at quicker and quicker speeds, which I’ll get to in a moment.

The creative chaos was referred to by the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael recently as Sixth-Dimensional creative chaos leading to Seventh-Dimensional resolution in Christ Consciousness and Love.

The creative chaos results from all things coming to the surface. Team Light on all levels is gradually pulling away from Team Dark.

The creative chaos causes cognitive dissonance to build until we throw down old paradigms and break through conceptually and contextually to new ones.

The shift has many faces. One is from service to self to service to others. …

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‘It’s a Miracle’: Helsinki’s Radical Solution to Homelessness

Illuminations Now!!

But if Housing First is working in Helsinki, where half the country’s homeless people live, it is also because it is part of a much broader housing policy. More pilot schemes serve little real purpose, says Kaakinen: “We know what works. You can have all sorts of projects, but if you don’t have the actual homes … A sufficient supply of social housing is just crucial.”

Quelle: ‘It’s a Miracle’: Helsinki’s Radical Solution to Homelessness

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This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans a Chance – Working to End Veteran Homelessness

Illuminations Now!!

This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans A Chance – Working To End Veteran Homelessness This amazing project gives temporary homes to veterans who are looking to get back on track. So…

Quelle: This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans a Chance – Working to End Veteran Homelessness

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This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans a Chance – Working to End Veteran Homelessness

This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans A Chance – Working To End Veteran Homelessness This amazing project gives temporary homes to veterans who are looking to get back on track. So…

Quelle: This Tiny Home Community Gives Homeless Veterans a Chance – Working to End Veteran Homelessness

Ground Excess Energy

Illuminations Now!!

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel packs a powerful message about the concept of grounding.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present moment.

Shanta GabrielUntil late 1988 I was not even aware of the concept of grounding. If anyone had brought it to my attention, I would have asked, “Why?” My life was focused in the upper realms of the Divine, and the Earth held very little interest. That is until something bothered me, and then my emotions would engage and I would be very upset at the way my life on Earth was appearing in that moment.

When my mentor suggested the need…

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Inspiration for the Week from Shanta Gabriel

Illuminations Now!!

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You Are A Beacon of Light

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that we radiate our energy into the world with every thought and prayer.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

Your Prayers are a Beacon Calling to You the Love and Wisdom that You Seek.
Shanta GabrielThe word that most stands out for me in this message is Beacon. It makes me think of the importance of beacon lights as signals in the world, such as the Lighthouse that protects ships from wreckage on the rocks.

I have been fascinated by the idea of guiding lights since my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990. He has continuously spoken of the importance of letting our inner…

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Can Positive Thoughts Help Heal Another Person?

Illuminations Now!!


Posted: 02 Jan 2014 01:10 AM PST

By Barbara Bradley Hagerty for NPRNinety percent of Americans say they pray — for their health, or their love life or their final exams. But does prayer do any good? For decades, scientists have tried to test the power of prayer and positive thinking, with mixed results. Now some scientists are fording new — and controversial — territory. Sheri Kaplan tested positive for HIV more than 15 years ago. Kaplan has never taken medicine, yet the disease has not progressed to AIDS. She prays and meditates every day and believes God is keeping the virus at bay.Mind Over Body When I first meet Sheri Kaplan, she is perched on a plastic chair at a Miami clinic, holding out her arm as a researcher draws several vials of blood. “I’m quite excited about my blood work this time,” she says. “I’ve got no…

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Company Collects 80% of City’s Recyclable Plastics and Turns It All into Lumber

Illuminations Now!!

Sounds excellent if it’s all as written. Company Collects 80% of City’s Recyclable Plastics and Turns It All into Lumber McKinley Corbley, Good News Network, Jan 15, 2020 This trailblazing Ca…

Quelle: Company Collects 80% of City’s Recyclable Plastics and Turns It All into Lumber

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