The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, April 27, 2019

Illuminations Now!!

Hello. Back from holding my Bali retreat, in which we Brightened ourselves and the Planet enormously. Thank you to you for ‘popping in’ and sharing your knowledge and energetic activations. We were…

Quelle: The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, April 27, 2019

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, April 27, 2019

Illuminations Now!!

Hello. Back from holding my Bali retreat, in which we Brightened ourselves and the Planet enormously. Thank you to you for ‘popping in’ and sharing your knowledge and energetic activations. We were…

Quelle: The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, April 27, 2019

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The Next Religion Is the Religion of Consciousness

Illuminations Now!!


Posted: 10 May 2014 01:08 AM PDT

by Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari – omtimesThe next religion will be the religion of awakening to the Infinite possibility of success with Consciousness. We can learn to embrace conscious awareness so that all in this world can live together in peace and true prosperity, instead of only a few. Then, through the Grace of God, this conscious awareness may prevent the great likelihood of natural or man-made mass devastation on our Planet Mother Earth.

As an example, just watch the animals; they are so beautiful and natural, but look deeper, they are instinctive. They don’t have to learn anything. It is sheer instincts by which their life is regulated. The egg of the bird hatches, and then when it is ready, the young bird just flies.

But that is not true with MAN. Man, too, has instincts, but man is not totally instinctive…

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Releasing the Need to Control Your Life

Illuminations Now!!

All that’s required for enlightenment or an easier life is to release resistance and the need to control what happens to you.

The need to control life comes from the ego and is an impediment to higher consciousness. It’s only when resistance is released that the need to control fades; then, you can be open to a less stressful life that still challenges you but doesn’t bring you out of your center.

When you resist or try to control life, you create tension that manifests as obstacles further down your path.

You meet brick walls where there were once open doors, and those who struggle to find the source of this newfound difficulty need look no further than the resistance they may be showing and the control they may be attempting to exert.

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