Project Peace & Love: Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace

Project Peace & Love: Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of PeacePlease join us for 8 minutes at 9PM (your time) every night this week to allow Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace to pass through us to humanity. . . Stand or sit, it matters not. We are opening our hearts like magnificent French doors to receive and surrender to his Blue Breeze of Peace.   When there […] c

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The Mother Forgives Everything: A Word of Gratitude

Everything is forgiven in this time of karmic dispensation. Understanding and knowing the Eternal Flow — continual change — letting go of what is not of love, our external reality changes. We create peace and Love on Earth. A question was put to Archangel Raphael on Heavenly Blessings, January 2014, concerning a vivid dream and apologizing, […]click on picture for original

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A Call to the Nations at the End of Global Peace and Love Week

A Call to the Nations at the End of Global Peace and Love WeekI’d like to thank my co-host, Kathleen Mary Willis, for conceiving and organizing Global Peace and Love Week. As a result of my participation in it, I’m willing to take responsibility for the entire human family, as Werner Erhard invited us to do. (1) As a sovereign citizen of planet Earth, I call upon all […] click on picture for original

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Original Innocence: What’s Not to Love?

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Original Innocence: What’s Not to Love?I told the story the other day of meeting Archangel Michael in a lucid dream. (1) Spiritual experiences often keep unfolding, unpacking. It’s as if they’re a rich vein that rewards continued mining. I think Michael would call them “encoded’ and say that the “codes” would unpack themselves, so to speak, when conscious attention falls […] Click on picture for original

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Peace Education – Time To Call A Spade A Spade

Peace Education – Time To Call A Spade A SpadeGeoffrey West, Masters, Peace Education, UN-mandated University for Peace, Class of 2006, Cosmic Vision News FULL DISCLOSURE: This commentary is not praise for the profession of ‘peace’ education. It is a plea for serious self-reflection. What I share here should only be read by those who have the capacity critical self-reflection and reflection of […]click on picture for original

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Summer Journey: Expanding into the Heart of our True Nature

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Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman ~ The Physical Vessel: A Wondrous, Sacred Creation

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman ~ The Physical Vessel: A Wondrous, Sacred CreationBeloved masters, let us again review some of the basic teachings which are so vitally important during these critical times of transformation. As you move forward on the path of en-Lighten-ment, and you come to a better understanding of cosmic law and the workings of the universe, we welcome the opportunity to occasionally give you […] Click on picture for original

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What’ll It Take for Earth to Thrive?

What’ll It Take for Earth to Thrive?One of the most humane yet in-depth investigations of what’s going on in our world, with an accent on America, is Foster Gamble’s Thrive: What on Earth will it Take? It’s been around for a while but remains one of the best treatments of the subject. There will be many opportunities to hear the total […]Click on picture for original

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Saul: How do We “Be Love”?

Saul: How do We “Be Love”?A little while back, I asked John Smallman to ask Saul how we “be love.” It’s interesting to note that Sanat Kumara and I had a similar discussion on the Hour with an Angel program for April 27, 2017. Saul has responded with a generous discussion of the matter, which I append here, with thanks […] CLICK ON PICTURE FOR ORIGINAL


Mahandas Gandhi on Peace and Love

Mahandas Gandhi on Peace and LoveWhat is a consideration of peace and love without a look at the views of the leading advocate of non-violence, Mahandas Gandhi? We offer you a selection of his teachings on the subject. The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace. You must be the change you […] click on picture for original

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Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson ~ Trust: Creating Fulfilment in Your Life

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson ~ Trust: Creating Fulfilment in Your LifeAudio version. Video version. Angelic Blessings extend through my being to you from the entire Angelic Kingdom. Angelic support is present and available to you at all times during your ascension process, whatever you require, whether assistance, guidance, healing or activating. Please simply call upon the angelic vibration and ask, we will instantly begin to […] click on picture for original

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A World That Works for Everyone is a Win/Win World

A World That Works for Everyone is a Win/Win WorldA world that works for everyone is a win/win world. So often, when we “win” – when we get the outcome we wanted – we don’t really care whether the other person wins or not. That’s theirs to see to, we reason. But that’s just one thing that’ll have to change if we want to   […]        click on picture for original

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Heavenletter #6001 Your Gateway to Progress, April 30, 2017



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

God said:
The way to open your heart is to open your heart. Keep your intellect out of it, and opening your heart will be a cinch. When it comes to love, your intellect is to take a break. Intellect complicates. Your heart doesn’t do well when the intellect supervises it. Your heart will open without your intellect’s interference.

Your intellect puts your heart on a scale and weighs it. The intellect says: “Is this a good deal for you/us? Will it all come out all right? What will your parents think about this? Think well before you act.”

The intellect takes the joy out of opening your heart. Your mind has a long-range goal in mind. Your mind is attached to a specific outcome. Your mind says: “This is good so long as it comes out the way I want it to.”

The intellect sees love as an investment upon which you must have a return. The intellect believes that Life must go by certain rules, or you are making a mistake.

Look, don’t interpret opening your heart only with a guaranteed return. You are not being wayward by letting your heart feel as it feels, loving as you love, even if for one moment. We’re not talking about your taking advantage of any other or your being foolish and out of your mind, nor are you being just trendy. Reliance on your intellect isn’t necessary. Odds are your intellect will make you cautious. Being cautious restricts you. Your Life does not depend upon what you think about it – I take that back – your Life does depend upon what you think about it.

It’s okay to let your heart have its say about Life. You are alive and living, not studying a manual.

The intellect has the idea that you are to be suspicious. You know what? You can be suspicious and be a fool. Of course, we don’t have to be talking about some great romance. Great romances have also been lost because of great caution. Do not play games with Love.

Anyway, we’re talking about openness to Love. Openness to Love doesn’t have to be about romance whatsoever. Don’t put a price on opening your heart. You are opening your heart when you smile at a young child. You are opening your heart when you offer a smile to anyone. Being friendly is opening your heart.

It isn’t that your heart has to be totally ajar for anyone to walk into it and set up camp. Simply, you come from friendliness. You don’t count scores any more than you count scalps. You don’t have to be supreme anything. We are talking about baring your heart and not barring your heart and limiting it as you may presently. You and your heart are unlimited. So be it.

No matter who you are, you are eligible for giving great Love from your heart. No one has to think you are great. You just want to be the Greatness you are. You are not to bottle up your Love and put a corset around it. You simply let your Love be. You don’t saran-wrap it, nor do you snip it.

Let your Love be free enough to live in the world.

Have a little joy. Give a little joy. You don’t have to beat the band and lead a parade. Just let your heart be warm. Your Love doesn’t have to do fancy foot work. Your Love can be just a breeze. It doesn’t have to be a big storm or tropical heat wave. Love doesn’t have to be a big deal. It doesn’t have to be a production. It doesn’t have to get all dressed up. It doesn’t have to be the Love of the century. Love just has to be the Love it is.

Love doesn’t have to be counted. Love doesn’t have to be promoted. Love doesn’t have to be a stand-out. Love doesn’t have to be a blockbuster novel. Love just has to be what it is for as long as it is. Love is your gateway to progress. Be the Love you are. Love.

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Relationships ∞Archangel Michael

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Linking yourself to another puts you in a co-creative dance together. The dance is what you would call your relationship. As you connect with another’s energy, you are accessing different data within yourself then you have previously had access to.

Your work together as friends, family, or lovers will be to access what you need to access to give you the experiences that you need to have. It is always part of your evolution to be involved with another in any way. When you let yourselves be completely open and receptive to all that the relationship has to give you, you make progress along your path.

And sometimes the other person will come with you. And sometimes they will not. As much as you want to believe that you are responsible for each other, this is never actually the case. Having said that, please recognize that you are all here…

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Wochenimpuls 01.05.17 – 07.05.17


Welcher Impuls gilt für diese Woche?

Der 5. Monat dieses Jahres beginnt und abermals sind wir aufgefordert uns unserer wahren Lebensaufgabe zu stellen, sie anzunehmen! Dazu gehört, das wir unsere Masken fallen lassen  und andere vielleicht sogar demaskieren) um den Betrug an uns selbst aufzudecken.
Somit erlangen wir tiefe Erkenntnisse , die uns auf unserer kosmischen Reise begleiten.
Wage deinen eigenen Quantensprung in dein wahres ICH, dein wahres SEIN, somit geschieht Heilung in vielen Feldern des Seins!

Mein neuer Blog mit Thema Trauma aus alten Inkarnationen und Ahnenlast:
Wenn du meine Arbeit unterstützen möchtest, dann freue ich mich über Deine WERTschätzung:

Herzensdank und AN`ANASHA
Sabine Shana`Shanti
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Verwendete Kartendecks mit
freundlicher Genehmigung von:
Angelic Quantum Spirals
Mary Zapiti
Autorin: Melanie Missing & Carola Gümüs
Illustrator: Murat Karacay
Der Seelenblick der Pegasus-Einhörner
© 2013 Schirner Verlag, Darmstadt

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Project Peace & Love: Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace

Project Peace & Love: Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of PeacePlease join us for 8 minutes at 9PM (your time) every night this week to allow Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace to pass through us to humanity. . . Stand or sit, it matters not. We are opening our hearts like magnificent French doors to receive and surrender to his Blue Breeze of Peace.   When there […] click on picture for original Continue reading

Peace, Human Rights, and Universal Law

Peace, Human Rights, and Universal LawI’d like to give my personal view of some relationships among peace, human rights, and universal law. I base my opinion on human rights on the experience of being a human-rights decision maker – a refugee adjudicator for the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada – for eight years. I base my opinion on peace […] click on picture for original

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Jesus: Unnecessary Pain Shows the Futility of War

Jesus: Unnecessary Pain Shows the Futility of WarAgain from 2014, Jesus says that we on Earth must realize the absolute futility of war before we’ll renounce it; hence some conflicts drag on. Here in the spiritual realms excitement, as you might put it, is approaching fever pitch! Yet all across the world, and particularly in the area of Palestine and Israel, it […] click on picture for original

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Remembering Unity Consciousness – The Golden Ones through Sue Lie, Apr. 22, 2017


Remembering Unity Consciousness – The Golden Ones through Sue Lie, Apr. 22, 2017

Remembering Unity Consciousness A Gift to Gaia on Earth Day 4-22-17 Unity of Diversity The Golden Ones through Suzanne Lie The Golden Ones have been talking to me on a regular basis since about the middle of last summer, but it has always been at a time when I could only share them with […] click on picture  for original

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Communicating with your Higher Self; Week 4 Preparation


Communicating with your Higher Self; Week 4 PreparationCommunicating with your Higher Self 4-24-17 Week 4 of Preparation for Multidimensional Leadership Training 2017 Create the HABIT of speaking with your Higher SELF Make it a part of your daily life to “take your Higher SELF with you.” When you take a walk, walk with your Higher SELF When you need to shop, […] click on picture for original

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Video: 7 Krishnamurti Quotes On… Nothing

Video: 7 Krishnamurti Quotes On… NothingJiddu Krishnamurti was a sage, philosopher, and free thinker who encouraged people to look within for solutions to their problems and the problems in the world. He was born to a middle class family in South India on May 11, 1895, and left this earth on February 17, 1986. (1) As followers of his work […] click on video for original

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Sanat Kumara: Love isWinning

Sanat Kumara: Love is WinningThere is new life, new joy, new experience on the planet, planetary logos Sanat Kumara said on the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel. The quotient of love is growing exponentially. The only choice we have is to align with the Mother’s love. Anything else makes life difficult. Airs every second Thursday at 4pm […] click on picture for original

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False Grids and Core Issues: How to Know Them

False grids are entrenched beliefs. Core issues are mental/emotional constructs. Our unconscious false grids create suffering, pain, ageing. Our unconscious core issues create mental/emotional suffering, within and without. Over the last couple of years I have been guided to understand and know my false grids and core issues using the Tarot. Angeles Arrien, who wrote […] click on picture for original


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