Archangel Metatron and Archangel Raphael 4/14/2014 through John Allen


Sirian Heaven

This is John. I feel that there is no reason for me to elaborate. I feel that I am supposed to share this message with everyone. It was a surprise for me to have read it as well. Please listen to your own hearts for your own answers. Do not put all of your faith in channeled messages as this one. FEEL and KNOW for yourselves. I simply share my own journey in hopes that it lights a spark somewhere.  My Brother, Marc Gamma, and I have been given messages to share with one another for a while now. We feel that we were meant to share them with anyone who may be interested. We are all one. We are all part of the collective. All of us are just as important as the other.
Archangel Metatron, I had a dream last night while I was awake where you were…

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