Your Purpose in the World | Heavenletters

Rainbow Wave of Light


God said:

I hear you cry out that life on Earth is unbelievable. That it is absurd. It is ridiculous. It is unexpected. It is rote. It stays the same. It never stays the same. It always surprises you unless you happen to be feeling ho-hum about life.

Yes, you do wonder whose life this is you are living anyway and what on Earth it amounts to. You hardly feel like a voyager on the high seas – more like a stowaway or possibly someone who has hacked a random identity; therefore, you are such a good interloper that you don’t exactly know who you are or will be the next time you check in. For lack of enough reliable information to base yourself on, you feel up in the air.

You do know that I insist you have purpose. That’s well and good so far as you are concerned…

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