Intentions & Beliefs ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

Rainbow Wave of Light


“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Stating your intentions for what you experience is going to serve you more than changing your beliefs. Your beliefs are all about the past. They are all about what you have come to conclude as a result of what you and others have experienced previously. So your intentions can defy your beliefs. They can be outlandish and impractical, and they can fly in the face of what society expects to occur.

When you allow your intentions to be yours and yours alone, and you don’t ask anyone else for permission to hold your intentions, that is when you truly exercise your free will, and you step into the knowing of yourself as a Creator Being. When you state your intentions, notice what thoughts come up, what emotions you feel, and what…

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