One & Perpetual Oneness | Sophia Love

Rainbow Wave of Light


This conversation took place in the early morning hours of September 16, 2016. For reasons you will read here, I believe its timing has everything to do with the harvest full moon and lunar eclipse taking place now.
“Is there someone who wants to connect?”
Yes Sophia. It is I. It is One.
Go ahead then. Hello.
We have come to a point in this rapidly shifting and expanding timeline that there will be noticed a stop; followed by a start.
What will stop are all things feeding polarity and self above other. What will start are all things feeding other over self. This looks like charity work, but it is no longer considered charity – it is considered the work of man. (Italics mine, Sophia)


Charity implies something extra required;(for us) to give to those who are in extra need at this time.
Work implies something that must…

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