Come Out Lightworker

Soulsoothinsounds's Blog

Enjoy my song, Take Some Time, while reading the post:

Come out, come out lightworker, wherever you are!

Your days, your lives of hiding are over.  There was a purpose to hiding your light in the past, but it is a new day.  You are safe.  The world is safe now for what you have to share.  If you are in your balance of masculine and feminine, and you are trusting your wisdom and knowledge, which, if you are reading these words, you are trusting more and more, you will attract the right energies, the right people to you and your teachings.

No more excuses, that you are not ready, or you have issues, problems, or someone else is keeping you from your spiritual work.  Many of you are walking your talk, and even so you have your moments of doubt.  As long as we are human there will…

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About ContraMary

The Years of Life tell me that I am old - My Inner Heart tells me that I am young - it is proof that I still live in Duality and as I decided to outgrow this Matrix I am prepared to ascend into some other realm leaving all the old and shabby patterns behind me pluck up all my courage for the New Age with shining lights so Golden of Promise - And take with me nothing but love - peace - harmony and one only virtue of 3-D density : staying a pioneer all my lifes ... ready for another adventure ... with the Help of God Almighty...