Resets, Revals and Wish Lists

Notes From the Center of the Spiral

Wish ListIt’s been an interesting couple of days since my last post.  Here I am again to give a little peek at what it’s like from here where I am.

The edge of the seat and by the skin of the teeth feeling I’ve been having is also near the top of the list with many others I’ve talked to.  The finger I try to keep on the pulse of the ‘group mind’ is pulsating along with very similar experiences being reported.

So it isn’t just me with this feeling of tension without any central cause to point at.  Like a bottle that has something in it, we may paste a label on the outside of it and that doesn’t mean we know what’s in it.  Maybe we do and maybe we don’t, but a scrawl on a label isn’t a guarantee either way.

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About ContraMary

The Years of Life tell me that I am old - My Inner Heart tells me that I am young - it is proof that I still live in Duality and as I decided to outgrow this Matrix I am prepared to ascend into some other realm leaving all the old and shabby patterns behind me pluck up all my courage for the New Age with shining lights so Golden of Promise - And take with me nothing but love - peace - harmony and one only virtue of 3-D density : staying a pioneer all my lifes ... ready for another adventure ... with the Help of God Almighty...